A hand for the pets most vulnerable, this is my introduceyourself


Hello friends I'm Betania, I am 23 years old and study Bachelor's degree in music, I like to define myself as a person extroverted, fun, humble, versatile, cheerful, spiritual, sensitive, happy and dreamy, lover of music, which is the reason and energy which makes my heart throbbing, my family, my friends, my close beings and animals.  A day without singing, without playing any instrument or without playing with my dog is a day irrational and without sense for me. Work to keep my studies, pay my expenses and them of my pet, live with my parents but try of help them in it possible since it situation economic in my country Venezuela is quite difficult, I performance as Professor of flute, piano, guitar and singing, my specialty is the address coral and live in constant training.


Me full much, teach you to them people that all what is proposed is possible, there are beings intrigued by the music that never have developed their talents, but always have dreamed with be singers or instrumentalists, only that not believe in them or in the potential that have, my vocation is guide them towards the wonderful art of it music polishing a diamond in gross shape, get shine and create good musicians and human beings, is one of the things that most I complete, see a child playing piano or a young man with a guitar, regardless of age, I know that everyone can make it, through music making becomes wonderful because art makes people to rise by the expression of feelings and also have the ability to change and transform others souls who listen to them.




My hobbies are knitting, make clothing and cooking, dessert making spoiling my family with a detail and q to enjoy the delights of sweet, I am glad and excited, chocolate love as almost all women love it identifies us, I like to make chocolates and sweets, for me the kitchen is as the chemistry of each experiment comes out a new recipe and a new delicacy I offer to Steemit my recipes for q can make cupcakes, cakes, brownies, cookies, chocolates, from home easily and fast and such which passes mouth salted to hang out. I have many children who depend on of my for some time, but the main and more consensual are my cute puppy Ambassador a tender and beautiful poodle  with terrier of ten months and my cat of 2 years and half Chelsea a beautiful Siamese.



Another of my vocation is to help the most vulnerable (the animals) in particular street dogs, in my country (Venezuela) in some neighborhoods, the situation is so hard that many people have only just enough to eat every day in their homes and have abandoned their dogs to the street, for not having as feed them or for other reasons , the inflation exceeds the 600% and the fight by the food is what is living day to day. THE food canine to exceeded them prices and are exacerbated have a dog is almost a luxury in this country, but those animalitos not have it blames of the situation economic nor your body understands of reasons, need people that them care and them feed, I live in a constant campaign of awareness to achieve that them people of some business collaborate with its power.


My mission with steemit is to create a foundation that includes several friends to feed all the abandoned dogs who go hungry and die from malnutrition because little is people who boot street food, so no they can not feed in landfills, we also want to create awareness so people no longer throw puppies into the streets It is an inhumane act that should be punished. My ideal from a few years ago is to present a project which includes a large house for dogs, with a broad field that can bring them and provide them with love, trust, a safe home where live without having to endure the inclemency of the night and the rain and that can play and share with other rescued dogs.

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 I want to actually save the life of many beings that roam the streets and that are sometimes mistreated by indiscriminate people simply to ask for food. I need your help friends already I began my work with the dogs in my neighborhood but I'd like to expand it to other neighborhoods of the city and across the country, I know that it is possible because all the dreams come true and are many dogs that need a hand friend, when a dog gives his look of gratitude after being fed you feel you are in the world for a reason to help them and show them that they are not alone, we are made to serve friends no matter who give our solidarity and helping hand should be our vocation because who does not live to serve, not serve to live and in the world there are many living beings waiting for our help and compassion, are a chain of rescuers and protectors of animals and nature , in our heart there is an innate inclination towards the environment because we come from the Earth and it we eat, it's time to turn on the flame and rescue the most vulnerable! We save their lives!


I offer Steemit a particular creative mind, I feel that a part of society need better human beings and it is losing in individualism, selfishness, and mediocrity.  the mind has the power to change, the power to create or destroy, offer to Steemit not just criticism but also recommendations that can help to improve society, about the power that has the mind and how we can help the world.

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