It's a pleasure to introduce myself to this community

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I'm delighted to introduce myself to this community. My name is Matthew and I've joined Steemit to share ideas and become part of something I really believe in.

I'm an actuary by profession and I've recently been introduced to the world of digital currencies and to say it has peaked my interest is a serious understatement.

What I hope to offer this community are regular digestible updates of analysis I carry out that might help and inform enthusiasts and traders of digital currencies.

I, like many others I’m sure, have been captivated by the spectacular growth witnessed in the prices of digital currencies in the last 18 months and I truly believe we are only seeing the beginning of this rise.

I have a strong interest in data analytics and I want to use my experience to understand and share my understanding of what drives digital currency price movements. I would also like to share interesting statistics around digital currencies.

As an introductory example, I thought it would be interesting to investigate the following simple what-if scenario…

If I invested $1000 in either of the 10 largest digital currencies by market cap on the 1st of May, what would the value of my holding be if I had closed out my position yesterday (10th May 2017).

The table below answers this question and illustrates the unbelievable returns that have been seen across the most prominent digital currencies available to investors.


Moving outside of the above list, if you had been fortunate enough to put some money on Stellar Lumens (number 30 in terms of market cap as at May 1st), you would be looking at a $5020 profit! Not bad for a 10 day return.

The above illustration is just a fun fact. I plan to provide more detailed analysis and hopefully some nuggets of information that will allow us to make some informed predictions.

I hope you enjoy and benefit from what I plan to share and I look forward to becoming a part of this great community.

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