The Blockchain Girl has joined Steemit!

Hello all,

I am very excited as it looks like I found an opportunity in the right time…!

I am the Blockchain Girl, I chose this moniker in 2014, and I have been involved in related startups for more than 2 years now. From being one of my hobbies while studying, the world of blockchains has become my work and over time, with people's growing familiarity about an increasing amount of use cases, I have found more and more opportunities, now being a self-employed blockchain consultant.

Blockchain super-networker

I have started following the sphere in January 2013, and got actively involved in April 2014. Since then, I have grown and kept track of a global network of currently between 600 and 700 people actively working in the sphere, in 59 countries.
If you need people familiar with a certain blockchain use case, or present in a certain city or country - every day, I connect people and simply like to help!

I love to introduce new people to the sphere, and an introduction of course is only complete when it includes taking the blockchain newbie to some of my favourite blockchain meetups in London, where they can meet some of the most exciting, smart and futurist people that maybe exist today!
I also help organise events, meetups and conferences, so far mainly across the UK.
Now let's look at the other areas of my life…

First person with a blockchain ID, co-founder Bitnation

Bitnation is a company using blockchain technology to provide services a traditional government would provide, but in a much cheaper and voluntary way, either as private service, or in partnership with E-Estonia.
I believe that whatever happens in life has a sense, otherwise it would not happen. So when in October 2014 a stranger wrote me a message that I should get more actively involved in the then very new idea of Bitnation, I thought “ok, sometimes the best things in life happen per chance, so I`ll give it a go”.
I am going to share the best experiences and services of Bitnation here, e.g. being the first person with a blockchain ID, as well as of other startups and organisations I have been involved in. This year, I finally started to travel the country and give talks, which may be one of my greatest recent achievements!

The world's first blockchain ID, invented by Chris Ellis (

Political Activism

Before my focus on blockchains, I have been active among libertarian communities, which in the past 2 years for time reasons only was an occasional hobby.
Now, as there is a growing interest in blockchains of people outside the “blockchain world”, my involvement in both spheres is becoming more simultaneous - I am giving 3 talks about blockchains at libertarian events in the coming months!
However, I would like to mention that I have seen blockchain use cases attract people from different political directions, so there is something in it for (almost) all!

Maggie Thatcher & me on M.Sc graduation day!


At age 18, I started to be a photo model, both as hobby and with agencies, later including runway training and participation in promotional videos. 2 days ago was the 7th anniversary of my modelling, and I am not planning to stop any time soon!
As I am writing, I have two photo shoots coming up this weekend - can't wait to share the results with you!


I am a futurist who would like to become immortal! :-))
I am happy to see Steemit is a real-life use case of blockchain technology, that is truly empowering (maybe an over-used word, but here, you can simply look at the results, what a touching impact it already had on some people's lives …).


Blockchain Girl

#introduceyourself #blockchain #immortality #model #blockchaingirl

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