Introducing myself - The turning point :))

Hi everyone!

I've joined Steemit 3 days ago, gave it a test drive and, despite being a bit skeptical about the platform in the beginning, I actually liked what I saw and what I've been experiencing so far. Lots of good and creative people around.
So here I am, introducing myself to all of you... Lets start with the face under the hair :))


I'm Portuguese and two years ago I would never guess that I could be shooting photography today, yet, here I am editing and writing about it as we "speak"...

It all started as any other pastime activity, but it grew on me, and it grew BIG.
The turning point was when I started to edit my shots, I got completely addicted to the whole process. It's really rewarding to take any photo and transform it into something unique and personal. That's what drives me. I actually prefer to edit than to shoot, go figure...

If you're still not hooked into Photography run while you can, because after you get into it there's no turning back!!

Meanwhile I got unemployed and found myself with too much free time on my hands, so I decided to use that time and create a photographic website together with my wife.
We grinded our butts on that place since last October, got a generous and awesome group of loyal users posting daily, but the ad revenue model simply doesn't work anymore, we couldn't even maintain it with the income we were getting from Google Adsense, so we're closing it this Sunday anyway.

Am I sad about it?
A bit, I can't deny it, but I like to think that success comes from persistence and every failure gets you closer to it, so here I am, turning the page and starting this new chapter.

I'll be posting ONLY original content, and I'll promote good photography the best way I can.

Here are few of my shots, so you guys can get an idea about what to expect.
You can click on them and check the original post if you want :))

  • Macro... I love it but suck on shooting it... I try to compensate with my editing.

  • Skies... My favorite thing to shoot and edit... The more drama the better!

  • Color Splash... One of my favorites, specially if working with flowers.

  • Monochromes... My favorite... It removes all the unnecessary distractions from any shot.

Keep on Steeming!
Bruno Mestre

  • Click on the #brumest tag to see all the Photography and Edits that I've posted so far.
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