Yeah well this is my THIRD post! You see...


Hello andddd welcome... to my introductory post haha :)

It's been a day so far and I already love this community. I feel like I can be 100% myself here.

I make music at home on a mountain in the forest. Here's a new idea I am working on, below... I'm really excited to keep sharing more with you, and I'd love to help support other artists of any medium on this site!

More about me...

Internet monies the old fashioned way

I've made my living since 2004 from ads on websites I build and grow. If there's interest, I would love to do an AMA on here once I have more reputation. It's definitely a grind though, so my dream would definitely be if music is ALL i do.

I enjoy writing streams of consciousness. Here's tonight's:

Countless trembling giants feared the harvesting notion of a striped butler fish. I’m sure you can recall the secondary nature of your own feeding bucket, let alone a whole nation’s.

We strive this morning to perceive a valuable lesson in foul bagworms that are seen glistening in the emission sockets of our cherished puppet leaders.

Amazed in envy with a following of scribbled prophets; cheering a feeble shrimp cloak into remission; these are miracles that may only be performed behind closed doors.

Incredibly: Believe me, I could treat five writhing settlers by teething them in a ticklish restraint. But you won’t see me doing that here.

Rest assured, we’ll find a leaking grease pile under the cramping stoned captains of the emptiness.


Follow me @buildpath and I'll follow you back.

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