BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!

So who would be a bunnypuncher in the first place you ask? Not who you might think. I’m basicly your eccentric computer guru who has been around the digital world from the very early days. I started using computers when I was 5 years old and my first one was a Vic 20 back in the late 70s.

So that started a love of computers that has created a very interesting life / love / career / and even a few kids. Having started so long ago in computers, going to college for computer science, starting an Internet service provider startup, getting a job working on 2 (at the time) very large supercomputers, training under the typical Unix gurus (breads, gruff attitude, beer drinking dudes), moving on to be admin / programer / problem solver and create applications at a very large fortune 100 company with 10 to 100s of thousands of users. I’ve seen it all. Here are the big servers I worked on back in the day. This was back in 2000 these server had 64 cpus and 196 GBs of ram. And they were in the list of the top 100 fastest computers in the world.

But how did my computer create my love life you ask? Or maybe you didn’t but I’ll tell you anyway. I started in ISP back in the early 90s (dial up modems where the thing, AOL was still around, the internet was still pretty new). So we provided internet service to our city and had a very hundred customers. Being the admin I naturally watched the systems to make sure everything was working. And I noticed some strange stuff. Our ISP was in Jacksonville Florida. But I saw people logging in from New Zealand. That seemed odd so I started to investigate. I was figuring we had some fat bearded hacker trying to take over our ISP. Well after investigating and chating with the person online back using the old unix chat program. It turns out it wasn’t a New Zealand hacker at all. But a customer of ours that was using IRC bounces and other hacky stuff. Normally I would have kicked this user and that would have been the end of it. But in their files they had a picture. So I decided to have a look at the person I had be having a system battle with. Turns out it was a girl and not just your average girl but a pretty hot girl. For me a hot girl into hacking was about the ultimate dream come true. So I ask my computer nemesis out on a date. We hit it off from the very beginning and have been married for the last 20 years and 3 kids.

If you have made it this far with out falling alseep or leaving I thank you. I do have some other hobbies and things I do. Enjoy a lot of the normal things in life now. But I was a very wild partier in my younger days to the extent it is a miracle I am still here. Raves, clubs, booze, drugs, after parties, you name it I did it. Stories so wild I look back and can hardly believe it all happened. One day I’m sure I’ll tell a few and shock everyones modesty.

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