Hey there! Why don't you take a sec to get to know who @busybeing is?!

I am a newbie and I am very excited to be part of this wonderful community. Finally! YES!!!!

This is my #IntroduceYourselfPost.


First and foremost, a big shout out to @kofibeatz for introducing me to the community. I thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am. Check out the post where he featured me and our friends here .

At first I did not comprehend the power of Steemit. I did not know it. Like really now? Not until @kofibeatz shared good news with us (me & some of our friends at school) about this amazing platform for content creators. When @kofibeatz initially introduced Steemit to us, I did not check it right away. A few days passed and there we were talking about Steemit.com again. I was convinced to check it out and I then opened this account.

Without further delay, let’s get right into it!


My name is Clive Bheki and I am 21 years young (turning 22 in July). I was born and bred in and around the famous City Of Gold, Johannesburg in The Republic of South Africa. My mother tongue is IsiZulu, however other language proficiencies include English, IsiXhosa, SeSotho and SePedi.

I am a driven person who has a positive outlook on life and of course, self, because I firmly understand that the only person who can change my life is me, through God within me. Hence the reason why I do not tolerate negative energy. Ever.

I enjoy seeing new, interesting places and engaging with different people, from different walks of life. There is always something to learn from other people. Like really. How would I know about this platform had I been in my room sleeping or complaining about how unfair life is?


Conversations (in person or not) with the right people are eye opening and refreshing. We connect through them. Listening to different perspectives allows me to challenge what I already know and stretch my thoughts and thus broadening my knowledge.

Thanks to the Digital Age, you are reading thoughts of a guy far far away from you, meaning that we can now easily connect and know each other. And of course pioneers like @ned will have their names written in the books written of history.


I am studying Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand, popularly known as Wits University. I however like to think of myself more as a Socio-Economic Engineer of my life. You’ll find out more in my later posts.

Like many people in this world, my life ran on autopilot. Directionless. I did not see this and continued on living without knowing my purpose in life and what I REALLY need. Perhaps saying my life was directionless is a bit too harsh according to societal standards. I must admit that I did not get into trouble. Even though I did not get into trouble whatsoever, not knowing why I was living is reason enough to say I was living a directionless life.

Ever since I decided to take time to master myself in the areas I want to improve in my life, I feel alive and looking forward to the future with a clearer vision, while enjoying every step of the journey. I know that improving myself and my skills is a continuous task. A task that I decided is valuable in my journey, and of course, to anyone who wants to take charge of their lives and lead a content life. A life full of joy, happiness, love, peace, positive energy, drive, adventure, harmony, financial freedom and grace to name a few.

Join me as I go through my continuous life journey of being human in this universe, that is, Being Clive Bheki. I will be discussing various topics including: personal development, entrepreneurship, investing, academics, motivation & inspiration to name but a few. I will also be posting about what is happening in my life and around me, what I am interested in, working on & planning to work on.


I know that we will be learning from one another and grow together. From what I have heard (@kofibeatz) and read… this is the space for that. A space that needs to reach as many creatives as possible and grow. And I will definitely play my part in seeing this into realisation, especially for young South Africans so that Steemit can grow and change lives of *young creative people sitting around and loitering the streets.

All my life, one way or the other, I always find myself busy. Now it’s time to channel my busy being in this earth into something valuable in my life & what I want to make this journey worth living, & of course enjoy life.

I can’t wait to share my thoughts, quotes and ideas from successful people. I will be capturing and exploring our beautiful mother nature and her coexistence with man-made buildings in South Africa and around the world. Brace yourselves to see the beauty I see every day. Along these lines:

5.jpeg Nature & Concrete. All thanks to the universe.


I am certainly looking forward to constructive engagements with positive minded people.

Thank you very much for having read this far. I really appreciate it. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Alright just one more beautiful picture through the eyes of my lens for this post. Stay in tuned to @busybeing to see more!


So, let me hear it – What keeps you busy?


[ The God Within ]

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