Hello Steemit, I'm Jason!

In 1980, Bill Gates had a vision.
He envisioned a future where every house will have a computer.

Hi! My name is Jason (@buzz.lightyear) and I have a vision too.
I envision a future where every house in the world will have its own solar power system.

That's right. Every house. A day when solar electricity is the norm. You have it, your neighbour has it. Everybody has it. Everybody generates their own electricity and if you don't have enough, you can buy it from your neighbour. You can pick and choose which neighbour to buy it from and select the lowest price. Free market.

I mean why not.

Today we live in era of dramatic advances in renewable technology.
Have you seen Elon Musk's solar panels that look exactly like normal roof tiles?
Have you heard of whole states that are powered 100% by renewable energy?
Prices for renewable energy materials (especially solar) has fallen over 300 times in the last 30 years.

Meanwhile, are you paying higher or lower electricity rates every year?

So, the BIG question is why can't we see it here?

In August last year, I got my answer.

I went to the local cinema to catch a documentary movie about climate change I had anticipated for weeks! So after work, I rushed to the mall, bought my ticket, popcorn (of course!), walked into the theater, sat down, and as soon as the movie started...

I realized I was the only ONE in the movie theater!!!

I believe that a zero carbon future is possible.
But there are heaps of challenges ahead...
No it is not the government. It is not Trump.

It is us.

This reality will not happen automatically.

We got to want it first.

So here is me writing and I want to grow the awareness, GAF levels and support from my local community. If you like my vision & mission, please follow me.

I will be sharing with you:

  • Current state of affairs - local, regional, global
  • Climate change - what it is, how it affects you & me and not just polar bears
  • Technologies available - my thoughts on what works and our options are
  • Challenges - we'll tackle these... one bite at a time
  • Resources - for the like minded people who do not know how or what to do next
  • My own story and progress to realize this vision

I appreciate all the support I can get .

It is an exciting time.

Thank you Steemit.


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