Introducing Myself: The Guessing Game @Byn The Very Ordinary and Not So Ordinary Me


This post is really mild when it comes to language, but I can be pretty confident in saying that most of my posts will probably contain NSFW language.

I could easily write a post that sums me up those parts of my life that people often focus on first by mentioning my age, my relationship status(es) and so on, but I thought I'd have a little fun with the idea instead.

Maybe its because I'm feeling a little odd today, or maybe because I'm feeling inspired or maybe because sometimes I just have trouble painting a picture of me as a person.

The first thing I'll tell you about myself is that I tend to overshare and talk too much and on that note, here's a little game I'd like to play just for fun (and I guess because I'm weird).

I'm going to list 10 things about myself/my life and ONE of them will be false. If you like, you can leave a guess as to which one you think is not true in the comments. If you just want to know more, or have questions, post them in a comment and I’ll make a more in depth post about it soon.


  1. I gave birth to my five children in my home(s). I actually gave birth in 4 different homes, because we have always moved a lot.

  2. I sing blues fairly well when I’m feeling inspired, but my true skills lie in making up lyrics on the fly. Basically singing improv, because I’m too scattered to actually sit down and be still to write actual planned lyrics.

  3. I lived on a sailboat for a little over a year, in spite of having never stepped foot on one before moving aboard and in spite of being terrified of the ocean/drowning and dealing with bad motion sickness.

  4. When I was growing up I wanted to be a mom, a famous actress and singer and a teacher. I still plan to accomplish all of these things before I’m dead and buried. I’ve already accomplished a couple of them.

  5. I lived on a 40 ft. converted Greyhound bus with my husband, five kids, a guinea pig and a dog for almost 3 years, traveling the US whilst painting and etching on motorcycles and leather at motorcycle rallies.

  6. I homeschooled my 5 children. Most of them through high school.

  7. I wrote, directed and produced several plays through our local community theater.

  8. I have lived in 78 houses since I was born, most of those within the state of Iowa.

  9. I have lived with/been diagnosed with both Biploar and Dissociative Identity Disorder since becoming an adult.

  10. I have 10 tattoos... (Edited to add: OOPS!!! I messed up my own personal facts! I miscounted my tattoos... I only have 9. There is NOW only one that is not true. I can also add another fact: I am really REALLY scattered occasionally. A lot.)

Although this blog is mostly for my creative writing, I do tend to share my life stuff occasionally (plus, I'm pretty sure it will continue to occasionally show up in my creative writing as well!) and I may choose to share things from my weight loss journey or my acting journey as well as this whole issue with being catapulted towards the great unknown of menopause. I do like to write comeplete and utter fiction, but I also like to share my real self, my experiences, victories and trials.

So, there you have it.

You can also find me on facebook Fitspiration Over 40, if you're interested in fitness, weight loss and all that.

And my acting page, Byn Always that I'm trying to gear up for more acting things that I have coming up.

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