Introduction - Hello Steemit!

Hello Steemians!

My name is Paul and I am very excited to be part of this growing community. My friend @gerryk told me about this platform and I was immediately hooked. While I find the concept of actually getting payed for providing good contect very intriguing, I am more excited about the fact that users get to decide what content is valuable and not some shady algorithm. But I am sure you know more about that than me, so let me tell you something you don't know:

Something about me ;) 

I am a hobby photographer, who loves to travel. When I'm not abroad annoying people with my camera I study electrical engineering in Vienna, Austria. So naturally I am also a big fan of technology and all that stuff. 

However since I believe most people will find my field of study boring, I will focus this account on my photography and my travels. Only a few months ago I bought my very first own camera (an Olympus OMD-EM10 Mark II) and discovered my new passion photography. I chose the Olympus because I knew I would be making pictures mostly when im traveling, so a small mirrorless camera seemed a more suitable choice than a bulky DSLR. 

I will try to make a post every one or two weeks where I will tell you about my recent or past travels, and of course show you some pictures. The picture at the top is me infront of the "White temple" in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The one on the bottom is also from Thailand. Both were edited in Lightroom on my phone.

Thanks for your time! 

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