Introducing myself and Gnash Comment Challenge!

Greetings fellow Steemians (Steemites?) and well met!

I have been on Steemit for a week now and somehow have 99 posts under my belt already before I am finally getting around to my #introduceyourself post.

carlgnash 99 problems but a post aint one.jpg
Gnashster - 99 problems but a post ain't one

Before I get into the proper introduction, let me get the Gnash Comment Challenge out of the way. I wanted to do something fun for my #introduceyourself. To that end...

The Gnash Comment Challenge

Leave a comment on this post and I will make a song out of the comment, record the song and post it here. I will sing every single word that you write in your comment, reserving artistic liberty to repeat phrases and rearrange in some cases. Please only post original comments (no existing song lyrics or memes that you did not come up with yourself) - only the first comment per username will get the Gnash Comment Challenge song treatment.

If you have ever wanted to literally hear someone sing your praises, this is your chance :) What if this spawns a 100+ comment thread? Well then I will have to write and post 100+ songs :)

For Gnash Comment Challenge fine print see the bottom of this post

Proper Introduction
Wherein I go one step beyond the usual username verification by signing on top of the original piece of artwork I use as a profile picture

I am an 80's baby but just barely, born in 1980 in smalltown Haines, Alaska. Today I live in the Eugene/Springfield area of the Willamette Valley in Oregon with my beautiful wife Emma (a very talented artist and all around amazing person in her own right who is awaiting approval of her Steemit account to join this community as well) and our two awesome sons.

I have a big beard.

I cook and sing and whistle and swim and hike and draw and play guitar and laugh and love.

Join me on my Steemit journey and I will share original art, music, photography, musings on my Dungeons and Dragons campaign (I am a longtime dungeon master) and whatever else happens to sail down my stream of consciousness.

My beautiful family

Gnash Comment Challenge Fine Print

Rule 1: I will not write a song for a plagiarized comment - please post your own original words.
Rule 2: I reserve the right to not write a song for a particular comment for any reason - If I decide to do this I will reply to the comment to this effect and state my reason. Reasons could include, but are not limited to, bot or spam comment and obscenity beyond the pale.
EDIT Rule 3: I am not going to write any more songs for generic welcome comments. I have already done 3 variations on the "welcome to Steemit" theme, I think that is enough. In retrospect doing this challenge on my #introduceyourself post may not have been the best idea, of course I was going to mostly get welcome responses. I may reboot this challenge on a new post.

Only the first reply to this post from each username will be entered in the Gnash Comment Challenge. I will write songs in the order replies were made, not based on current upvote rankings. If I am lucky enough to get a bunch of comments and a backlog builds up, I will edit this post to include the current waiting list order so you can see when your comment is coming up.

Cheers - Carl

Gnash Comment Challenge Songs
#1 - @chrisx:

#2 - @khunpoom:

#3 - @djnoel:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column