Introduction Post: Dog/TV/Food/Beer/Game/Dance/Deal Lover New to Steemit

I know, the title is a bit ambitious. But when I think about introducing myself to the Steemit community, these are some of the things that pop in my mind as "essential" to describing who I am, and what I may write about.

Dogs: All dogs, all day, with an extra soft spot for my own, Marvin.

TV: I could go on and on here, but my #1 is easily The Americans and my #1 guilty (?) pleasure is Pretty Little Liars; currently I'm hooked on The Night Of.

Food: I love everything about it - healthy and indulgent foods, learning to grow my own vegetables, cooking, sharing meals with friends and family (perhaps I should mention here that I'm a registered dietitian by trade).

Beer: I pretty much drink it all, with few exceptions (e.g., Gose), and I sort of plan vacations based on brewery locations... (The Finger Lakes are up next. Although admittedly this locale was selected for its abundance of wineries as is another favorite!).

Games: Some may call me "competitive," "intense," say I'm "focused on rules" - these are usually the people on the opposing (*cough* losing) team. My teammates call me "a valuable player," or "a winner," (maybe they call me something else when I'm not around). Board games, word games, card games, drinking games, active games, I embrace them all.

Dance: I don't let my lack of training stop me - I check my inhibitions at the door (? maybe at the bar), because I know once the shoulder starts twitching, there's no holding back. Zero skill, all heart, I'm most comfortable on the dance floor...with a circle around me...and the bright light of a wedding videographer following my every (awkward?) move...

Deals: Make the mistake of complimenting anything I own, and I cannot help but to tell you where I got it, how much it was originally, and what I paid for it. Yes, I'm one of those. I used to write a blog with a friend (she started it and still keeps it going!) called 89th and Broke about meals and deals in New York City - the perfect blend of two passions - but now I'm just trying to keep track of happy hour deals in Westchester County, NY, my new home.

So, there I am in a nutshell. My interests certainly extend beyond the above (e.g., reading, hiking, biking, DIY-ish, travel, art, theater), which in part is what's drawn me to Steemit. I'm hoping to find a plethora of information, ideas, and inspiration (guess I should have listed alliteration as an interest), and I'm a newbie to the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, so I thought this would be a great platform to learn about and explore both. Looking forward to see what this brings.

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