Hello, I'm Kurt

My name is Kurt Robinson. I am a rapper, a podcaster and a writer. I'm an Australian living in Mexico.


Hi, my name is Kurt Robinson. I'm 32 years old. I was born and raised in Australia, but now I live in Mexico.
Here are a few things which are important to me.


Looking back through my life, all of the jobs I've had, and all of the arts I've been involved in, all of them were somehow orbiting around the central theme of communication. I suppose as a child I had such a lack of communicative skill, that to see someone talk to and charm a stranger seemed something like something magical. Now, I have been an actor, a song-writer, a door-to-door salesman, a "pick-up artist", a writer, ESL teacher, and a podcaster (http://www.theparadiseparadox.com), among other things.


Years ago, I went on a workshop to learn how to meet women. The instructor asked me what my ultimate goal was, what direction I wanted this educational event to set me on. I didn't say that I wanted a beautiful girlfriend, picking up tens, meeting the love of my life. I said "rockstar confidence". For a long time, I had valued honesty, and I knew the more confident I was, the more honest I could be. Of course, that has got me into trouble many, many times.

The Muse

The highest role of an artist is to convey the sublime. The Greeks said that poets communicated with the Muses, being raised up towards the heavens, and when they came back down they could transcribe what they had experienced. Today, we might view that as a superstition, but I believe there is some truth to it.

I remember an interview with Paul Simon where he said normally the hook line of the song would come to him first, a nice shiny new phrase, and he would have to find a way to construct a song around it, guiding and weaving the words, to lead them to this inevitable climax.

Often, when I have a peak experience, I immediately start trying ways to convey the idea that has been revealed to me - to take this piece of the divine and transmute it into a terrestrial form.


Many times when I write songs, I try to present a thesis. I write a song like an essay, trying to lead the listener along my line of thinking to bring them to a conclusion, in order to enhance their understanding, or open their mind to my perspective.

I remember when I performed at Anarchapulco this year, just a short set of three songs. A fellow came up to me afterwards and said that he'd never been interested in hip hop until that moment, but he could hear that I had put a lot of research into my songs. My friend Maverick said that he was impressed with the artistry of the lyrics - that many rappers will merely include the odd reference to a political theme, but in my songs he noticed that every line was aligned with the purpose of the track - a quality which Ayn Rand might call "integrity", complete internal congruence. Those were nice compliments.


So, that's what I'm about. Feel free to say hi. If you're in Guadalajara, we can go for a pulque. My Twitter is https://twitter.com/troublebubble, and you can find our podcast, where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, at http://theparadiseparadox.com/

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