My life story that motivates - ''Yes my name is Senouci, Yes I am from Algeria !''

Hello dear followers and dear steemit users, my name is Senouci, yes it's an arabic name and yes I am still Algerian. If someone tells you that you will not live well with your name or that your name or nationality will make you poor or not successful, don't listen to that and do your best to be more succesful then him. And this will be your motivation, let him or them be jalous of you, prove them the opposite !

So in 1980 my father came to Russia to study and he met my mother here and married her, and then they went to live in Algeria. So I was born there in 1985. I started the school there in 1990 and I studied there till the 4 grade when my parents decided to travel to Russia. Then in 1994 I started to study from the first grade again in a Russian school being 9 years old. I learned Russian and studied in a Russian school till 1998 when my father decided to take me back to Algeria because he had a conflict with my mother.

In 1998 I traveled again with my father to Algeria having forgotten most arabic that I had learned before and started learning it again in a country that was foreign to me with foreign people around me. I was 13 years old, I was white among people with a deferent skin color who considered me as a foreigner in my native coutry, because I looked more Russian than Algerian.

I studied in Algeria till the institute and I obtained my first diploma there in 2007 related to reparing computers. So I am a senior technician. I worked in one store reparing computers there and selling different CDs and DVDs and computer accessories. Then another year in another store. Then I was interduced to one guy that lived in the capital of Algeria and he was also a metis like me ( half Russian, half Algerian ). His father was a minister of envirement and he had a big company there, so I was working in that company for one year.

All those 12 years living in Algeria every day I was dreaming to comeback to Russia to see my relatives here. I am saying ''dreaming'' because I didn't have money and my father didn't want me to go back. But I was already 25 years old and I decided to quit my good job in a good company in order to realize my dream to come back to Russia to see my relatives, especially my grand father who had died just a few months before I came to Russia. My mother didn't want to tell me because she was afraid that my father would not let me go. So it was a big shock for me to come and find out. I was the happiest and the saddest person at the same time. Happy because I finally realized my dream and sad because I lost my dear grandfather who I was desperate to meet.

So in 2010 with no job and no documents to work here in Russia I was obligated to make a visa to live here and the only way to do that was to be a student here. So I started to study here till 2015, I got the bachelor's degree. All those 5 years I was trying to get the Residence Permit which would allow me to work. But because of the bureaucracy I couldn't get any thing and I had to continue living as a poor student all the time till I turned 30 years old.

In 2015 when I got the diploma in international economics I still didn't want to go back to Algeria but I had to continue living officially here, so the only way was to keep studing. So for that I started Master's course. In the same year I met an amazing girlfriend who became my wife after a year. Getting married allowed me to finally get the Residence Permit after 7 years of struggling till 32 years old. I finished my master degree in Transpost, so I am looking for a job now and I the same time trying to earn some money from the web !

I think my story is very motivational because it's all about not giving up and fighting for your dream whatever happens to you and be strong and unbreakable !

A lot of things in this life will try to break you : bureaucracy, racism, poverty, diseases, relatives, enemies, problems. But if you overcome all of that and follow your dream and be strong and never give up, the universe will thank you and you will be the person that you wanted to be !

Maybe my story is not as motivational as others stories because I always think about people who live worse and even much worse than me. People who are living in war, being afraid everyday to be killed, people that lose a lot of relatives or close people to them, people that lost legs or arms. But they fight and they never lose hope and keep living with what they have. All of this makes me feel better but anyway proud about my self that I am still on the ring !

I hope nothing in this life will stope you from doing what you are doing and you will succeed in steemit and especially in your life !

Keep following Senouci he is @Clixmoney , your dear stemian that never gives up !

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