My First Post On Steemit!

Hi all!

This is my first post on Steemit. I signed up about a week ago and my account was approved within 24 hours. But life got in the way and I was not able to post anything or even take a closer look at the site, until a couple of days ago. So I have been thinking of doing a formal 'introduce myself' kinda post but to be honest I don't quite know what to write about. See, I am an introvert and I don't particularly like to talk about myself. But I guess to make our future interactions more genuine it would be good if I could share a bit about myself and what I do. I would probably still need that proper 'introduce myself' post but for now I just want to give you a sneak peek into my world, or what I do most of the time (other than caring for my family).

So here is a small view of my desk. I know it's dark, it's middle of night here on my corner of the world.


I would talk more about this in my next post as it's kinda late here and my son is sick and I need to be in bed anyway.

See ya!

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