Your Common Guru is Born

Welcome to the Common Guru

Greetings Steemit community!

I’m new to this platform and I am excited to explore more of this interesting and interactive community. This is my first post.

Welcome to the Common Guru. The Law of Attraction has been described and attempted in many different ways. The general definition is the name given the adage "like attracts like". Generally defined it’s the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. Sounds simple does it not? It has been estimated that 95% of people who read one of the most popular books on the subject, the Secret, achieved little success. I am one of those people. How could SO many people get it wrong if all it took was thinking positively? I do not believe the material presented in the book was faulty. It simply overlooked the last part of the description: that negative thoughts bring negative experiences. Little focus is given to the power of our negative thoughts and what they attract.

Our negative thoughts are just a projection of our belief profile. These limiting beliefs we harbor about ourselves and the world around us are calling the shots. Simply telling ourselves that we need to think differently is not enough. If it were, there would be way more people experiencing success with just applying positive thinking and affirmations.

Here at the Common Guru, we strive to create an interactive forum where we can discuss our experiences, strategies and applications of this law. What this is not is a forum to push anyone’s personal agenda or philosophy. The posts will vary in content. Some will walk us through a personal belief profile of my own and it’s manifestation in my life. Others may contain content from one of our readers with the discussion of this concept. Together we can post and examine our success, failures and all that is in between.

Why are our lives the way they are? Albert Einstein said it best, “We cannot solve the problems that we have with the same thinking that created them.” You will be challenged, as will I. Come join me on this journey of discovery. We will explore this theory of beliefs creating our reality so that collectively we can learn and ultimately change our world … one belief at a time.

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