I AM NEW on Steemit! #IntroduceYourself

Hello Steemians and Steem World!
I am now a proud Steemian finally! :-)


I am super new here on Steemit and I'm happy my account was approved finally and here I am!!!!

I heard about Steemit from my fiancé. He told me good things about it last year. I got fascinated about it. So I registered an account but unfortunately I was so late activating mine and was rejected so I made another one and hoped to get in and I'm so happy that I'm finally approved just yesterday!!! Yay!!! The long wait is over.

I AM HERE. Haha! :-)

Alright, before I'm going cray-cray, let me introduce myself to you guys my fellow steemians!
I am Jane, 29 from Philippines!!!!!


First of, I wanted to share my life story and how I ended up here on Steemit.
So here we go…

  • I love photography. I enrolled in an online masterclass and currently learning photography. Here are some of my shots. (I'll tell you later how I ended up here as a Photographer) :-)

(My first time learning a DSLR Camera)

(Manila Zoo, Manila, Philippines)

(Miss Gay 2017, Mahinog, Camiguin, Philippines)

(Miss Cabuan 2017, Cabuan, Guinsiliban, Camiguin, Philippines)

(Few of my landscape and cityscape shots)

  • I also like arts and I enjoy painting. Ever since I'm a kid painting is what makes me happy.



  • I like nature. I love strolling and hiking and going to the beach too.


  • I love animals. I have 3 dogs at home namely Noah, Eunice and Bella and a cat named Tuna.



Alright, so that's just a brief description of my hobbies and what I love.

Let me talk about my job and what I'm doing currently.

I am a #nurse. I was. I volunteered for 6 months in a city hospital as a DR nurse and started working as a staff nurse in a clinic for 1 yr and 4 months-General, Pedia, OB and ER.


That was a tough experience and start of my #career. I worked extremely for hours and being paid with a little salary barely enough to pay for my family's food for the month. As a nurse, you're only paid around $120-$160 unless if somebody backs you up to get a job in a public hospital that pays you as high as $350-$500 a month then lucky for you. There's such a big competition in the medical field when it comes to job slot and job seeking specially if you're a nurse here in the Philippines.

After a year, I got exhausted. I thought I'm damaging my health working for hours from night shifts to night shifts and I realized my health is declining.

"I gotta do something.."

That's what's in my head. I wanted to focus on something that'll help build myself up but at the same time makes me happy, feeling fulfilled without compromising my health.

So I thought about my passion. I have a lot of dreams. :-) But I gotta do them one step at a time.

"I wanted to pursue my photography dream."

So I left my job and pursue #photography. Took an online class and currently building my #photography page and my website.


I go to events and take photos, meeting new people and learning photography in my own pace.

I'm definitely enjoying my work now. I'm starting videography too. So since I love cooking and I'm obsessed about it, I record myself making food using my cameras and that's what I'm aiming to do now.




Well, I wanted to do something valuable and can impact the lives of people. So with my skills, I'm planning to build my cooking channel and I will definitely share it here on #Steemit.

Today I am more happy. I am choosing a new path and will take it seriously. Here on Steemit I will start. With the help of you guys, I will pursue and make this #dream come true aiming to help other steemians too and that is what I want to do.

Thank you so much and good luck to all steemians!
I'm very excited and looking forward to meet new #people and meet new experience here.

Jane :-*


Here are some facts:

"You are a good person like others and like those who dream of being like them the only difference is to insist on dreaming; having a wonderful life begins to dream of. But dreaming is the first step. You must strive to achieve your dream and not just sit there waiting for your dream to come true if the truth is that you have the freedom to choose; to choose the wonderful life or to die alive."

@michaelmorcos/ Make Your Life Better (Thanks for the inspiration)


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