
I have been a member since August 2016 but I have not been an active poster. This can be said about me and all of my social media accounts. I mainly just log on and spend some time reading through other peoples posts, sometimes picking up some knowledge, sometimes not picking up any (just killing the time). I don't often "like" or "upvote" anything but I always just enjoy the read.
Somehow Steemit has slowly been changing my habits. A good friend of mine (@lukestokes) has been on Steemit and raving about it for a long time. He is the reason I even started to use it (Feel free to check out his stream, he is heavy into online blogging and has a ton of great posts out there). So I slowly started upvoting things that I had ready and like and today I found myself wondering why I haven't been posting anything myself. Getting people active and involved was the purpose behind the Steem and it is starting to perform its work on me! My habits are being changed.
The idea is to get members involved. Get them actively engaged to help support and promote the good content that is out there! So if you aren't posting and you aren't upvoting then you aren't helping power the system.

The only question now is "what will I post about". I currently live in Canada where we obviously drink a lot of beer and play a lot of hockey (I do both). In fact I played a lot of sports growing up, soccer, basketball, volleyball and Track and Field. I studied at the University of Pennsylvania so I did live in the USA for 4 short years, luckily Donald Trump was not the president at the time. I work in the Medical device industry and have since 2001. I have experience with 5S and Lean manufacturing. I have a 5 year old son who studies at a french only school. I own a pop up trailer and go on multiple camping trips throughout the summer. I am Catholic and went to Catholic school growing up. I am good at math and computers and pretty much any other electronic device. I like to attempt fixing things myself at least once which makes for some really great bad stories. I like to read, watch movies and tv, and even play video games (because my son wants to, not me). So pretty much my posts could end up being about... anything.

Here's to finding out!

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