I'm an English teacher in Beijing. My Introduction to Steemit & Verification

Greetings from an Englishman in Beijing. 大家好! (da jia hao!)

I never liked school when I was young but I've ended up teaching English in China for the past few years, saving up my bitcoin for the day I can move to New York City to train as an actor. Meanwhile, I hope to share some of the lighter moments I encounter during my time here with my followers on Steemit.

I also have a YouTube channel just for fun called "Singalong Insomnia" which started one night when I couldn't sleep and I decided to play my guitar and sing a cover song.


I'll be posting any new songs here too, feel free to drop me a request in the comment section.

And I have two cats to keep me company called Davida and Bowie, they usually find their way into my youtube videos.

That's me. Nice to meet you!

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