Hey I’m Danny! Join me on my wildlife adventures through Africa!

Hey I'm Danny! A friend of mine introduced me to Steemit and I've been browsing for a little while just waiting to create a post and say hello!

I hope you might be interested in my stories/pictures from lion walks, trekking through the bush in search of rhinos and elephants, diving with great white sharks, hanging out with chimpanzees at one of the biggest chimpanzee sanctuaries in the world, and spending time with a pride of lions (who are due to be the first ever captive bred lions released into the wild!)


About me

I was born in Holland to English/Argentinian parents and grew up in England. From a very early age I became obsessed with nature documentaries and in particular African wildlife. I knew from watching the likes of Sir David Attenborough that I wanted to work in wildlife conservation. I soon realised that I could never be content with a typical 9-to-5 office job in the London rat race.

After a spell of 5 years working and travelling around
South America exploring the vibrant continent from
top to bottom my dream job finally came calling!

I moved to a game reserve in the heart
of the African bush to embark on the career
I’ve always dreamed off.


African Impact

I now work for a fantastic organisation called African Impact, offering community and wildlife conservation volunteer projects across Africa for young like-minded people who are inspired to make a difference. Famed primatologist Jane Goodall once said something that sums up what we try to do here:

“You cannot get through a single day without
having an impact on the world around you.

...What you do makes a difference,
and you have to decide what kind
of difference you want to make.”

I'm going to try and post one or two times a week (depending on the internet here in Zimbabwe!) I invite you to join me on my journey through the wild continent of Africa as I explore and try to help endangered wildlife live in harmony with an ever-growing population.

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The picture of Sir David Attenborough and the Rhino is from The Times Multimedia Archive
The picture of Jane Goodall is from WildChimpanzees.Org

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