A Civil Engineer trying the Steemit World


Hi everyone! I am so excited to be with this community. I am Dee Monica, and I am an aspiring writer. I have tried writing ever since I was in college but failed to publish anything. This site was referred to me by my sister, @iamrosallie and thought this is a good opportunity for me to pursue my writing passion. I have not written anything in years, and I am a bit nervous of how to start. Maybe this would be a good way. 

My Years As A Corporate Slave

I used to write novels and short stories when I was in College, mostly from my experience. And then, I became employed. I am a Civil Engineer and was a corporate slave for almost 6 years. I rarely had time for my family. I barely had time to sleep, so I had to stop writing. For 6 long years, I worked by butt off to be able to provide for my family. My loyalty to my employer was so solid I did not even realize that I had missed many opportunities. I had to spend all of my birthdays at work because I was saving my leave to be able to go home on long holidays (yes, I work Sundays and Holidays too). My only goal then was to receive the 5-year loyalty award (I know, boring!). But when that time came, they forgot about it. I was just given a lame excuse and was told I will be given an award the following year. I tried my best to stay, but the passion was already gone. I decided to quit. A few weeks later, I formed my own company with a group of friends.

My Life With My Own Company

My company is now 1 year and 9 months old and we have designed and built more than 10 houses, 6 land development and started 4 small communities. We have 10 employees now and still hiring more. I still have little free time but I make sure to give my undivided attention for 1 whole week every month to my family. I have also done quite some travelling with my partner (which I have never done during my first 6 years of employment). I hope to share them with you in my future post.

Don’t forget to follow me @deemonica

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