New introduceyourself post and info about me. I still think the founders are geniuses!

Hello steemers! I'm back with a new introducemyself post as I didn't know about the verification photo, so I want to make it right. Also, I'm gonna add some more information about myself so we can get to know each other better.

Job? I gotta work for myself! 

First look, seemed interesting, but than just couldn’t help myself but share my thoughts with you. As a first step I will introduce myself. I’m a 23 year girl, soon to become a woman, as I’m getting married next year. People might think I’m pretty confident about my life and that I’ve already decided what path I should walk on… But… That’s not the case. I don’t have a job at a company. I consider myself a freelancer as I work with my boyfriend at a company started by ourselves.

Studies? Yes! Big A+

Last year I've graduated from faculty where I studied Communication and Public Relations. Those years of study were the best time of my life. Also I graduated with an A+ so I'm pretty proud of my results.

Working for myself going...

I’m a graphic and web designer. These days I'm watching my first tutorials to start designing in 3d. I’m not confident about this either. I just want to try as many things I can ‘till I find the right path.


I’m so frustrated at watching people loose themselves in boring lives, but guess what, I started doing that myself too. I consider myself an artist: I play the piano, I have an eye for paintings and I like listening to classical music, also I do design work. Still… I pretty much don’t find the time to raise myself.

Here's a video with me playing the piano, I was pretty nervous so don't criticize me too much:

I want to be an intelligent, confident and independent woman, still I don’t want to lose my femininity. Sometimes I want to be strong and tough, sometimes I want to be childish and weak. 

23, I’ve just started. What will this life bring for us? Good and bad things, black and white, just as we are.   Life is full of opportunities, I’m sure. I just don’t see them now. I plan to keep being positive and be prepared for the best.  :)

Steemit Blog

I'm going to write about my travel experiences, books, good music, art and life. If you are interested in any of these subjects, please follow me. :)

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