An introduction: Look at me!!!

Hi Steemians! Pleased to make your virtual acquaintances, and excited to be making a step into active participation on this exciting platform.

My name is Jeremy. I’m a principled voluntaryist / anarchist. I’m a cryptocurrency fanatic and precious metal enthusiast. No love for government fiat currency, though my job has me handling lots of it. I love bicycling and rollerblading and skateboarding. And electronic music festivals, especially Shambhala Music Festival, are my favourite events.

I’ve been inspired by posts I’ve seen on here, to resume accumulation of silver and gold, and excited to share my own experiences with hunting for such treasure.

And I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting pretty sick of Facebook, so here I am, and likely here I’ll be more and more.

Take care everyone! Hope you’re having an amazing day!


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