What is Dozjia, how did we get here and why join the Steemian Nation? (an introduction)

What is Dozjia, how did we get here and why join the Steemian Nation?

The meaning of Dozjia and where it came about

Dozjia means the best cannabis. It's an old school term, made popular in California by musicians in the 90's and continues today with groups like Mendo Dope. More specifically, Dozjia describes awesome home grown weed by someone who is an underground grow pro and you probably wouldn't even know it. (The first rule of growing marijuana is you do not talk about growing marijuana. The second rule of growing... you get the point) When conversation are about Dozjia on the street, usually only the weed nerds will get what ya'll are actually talking about.

Dozjia Growers Logo 2015.JPG

What's my background?

After leaving Northern California (Norcal) to join the Navy, I received an honorable discharge that helped pay for computer science college classes in San Diego. Started a family midway through and dropped out Junior year. Ended up in living in New Orleans and then Katrina hit. After years of back and forth, marriage and divorce, my young boys and I settled in Colorado. I got a regular job, got injured on that job, had surgery and was fired shortly after. My boys and I ended up destitute, my injury came back and things continued down hill for half of Obama's term. (insurance company told me I was on my own) Still injured but determined to get my boys and I back on our feet, I took a risk and started a small business that didn't require any heavy lifting. Recently I got involved with blockchain technologies like bitcoin, ether and a few others. When I came across Steemit, I decided to join almost immediately. It's been tough but here we are...

Here is what Dozjia will bring to the table

Most people still don't know that growing cannabis is my passion and it's difficult not being able to talk about it. Getting information to grow wasn't that difficult with books and videos from people like Jorge Cervantes. But a cannabis plant can get you more prison time than violent crime in some States (find stories here). When I became a master grower at a dispensary, that's when I realized the times were changing faster than many had realized and I knew more about growing cannabis than most people on the planet. Almost twenty years of cultivation has led to the tips, tricks and hacks you will find here. Plus some serious news, funny stuff and other cannabis related content.

Why did Dozjia join the Steemian Nation?

In a word, freedom. But we're losing it faster than ever to our lovely prison planet controllers. What can I do? Intelligent, open-minded, fed up people such as you who have a vision to create and utilize uncontrolled systems like Bitcoin, Ether and Steemit are the future. Decentralized money will allow ideas of the people to grow and profit more fluidly. I watched YouTube destroy many peoples lives because of so called fake news. Censorship really, and everybody knows that YouTube is dying because of it. I am here to help make sure free speech stays alive. Thanks for reading my introduction.
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I refuse to say marijuana which is why you will either see the word crossed out or omitted all together and why I use @Dozjia or cannabis instead. All humans have Cannabinoid receptors built into our bodies. We have cannabis in our DNA, which means a long history together. ☺

The tradition of growing cannabis is thousands of years old. It is our duty to keep it alive.



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