20 years ago, I will write this.


Don't be confused.  Don't even try to figure it out.  Just accept the fact that I will be writing this post, 20 years ago.

I've been one of the 36 candidates selected this New Year's Day to go back and alter a single event from my past.

It has been approved by the Singular Effect Committee as having met the proposed criteria.  I forgot - you're still 20 years behind at this time.  You're confused again.  Perhaps posting my application here will give you some insight.


Proposition APPROVED by Singular Effect Committee

Name:  Dreemsteem

Date: Jan 1, 2037

Date of proposed event:  Jan 1, 2017

Possible negative outcomes for self: None predicted.  In 2037, I am already one of the most popular members on Steemit.com.  

Possible negative outcomes for others: None predicted.  In 2037, the followers are already connected to my success.  Notifying them 20 years earlier simply gives them an earlier opportunity to follow my channel sooner.

Predicted success rate: 100%.  Though reaching out to a specific set of followers through a public medium is not the most ideal method, I predict that the followers who read this "Introduction" will have the same thoughts resonate within them as when they were intended to connect with my future Introduction years later.  By following their "gut instincts", upvoting earlier, and following my channel earlier - they will only be assuring themselves of the same future financial success - simply at an earlier and more desirable time frame. Exactly twenty years and one day ago (from "today") - I submitted my first post to Steemit.com ( https://steemit.com/fantasy/@dreemsteem/fireflies-chapter-1 ). Some of the initial voters/followers have already followed the path that was intended for them.  The proposed event does not seek to alter the beneficiaries, but only bend the timeline for those same beneficiaries to a more favorable timeline.

Unintended consequences: By altering the time frame, (and in fact altering the message with which I originally introduced myself years from now) there may now be a certain number of people who are exposed to this message who did not intend to follow me.  After hearing of my future success and the future success of my followers, they may now be anxious and excited to capitalize on this opportunity.  For reasons unknown to them, I predict that their interest will die down quickly, and the intended recipients will be the only people to successfully follow through with this opportunity - thus, not altering the future with any unintended consequences.  

(Of course, I needed to write that for the actual application.  I would hope, expect, and desire that anyone and everyone who reads this will take this opportunity - whether or not you were intended to choose it in the future.  If I had written this into the actual application, it would most assuredly have been denied, as the Committee would prefer to have a tighter control on money, power, and how they are both distributed. 

But.... I won't tell if you won't tell.)

20 years ago, I will thank you.

20 years from now, you will thank me.



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