Earth Momma in the house! (Finally! after 3 months!)

Taking a brave plunge into introducing myself!

I AM a spiritual being in a vessel (carcass/meatsuit) called Tammy @earthmother

Why am I on Steem?

To share, to help, to support, to connect, to network in a positive way!
I truly feel that my journey has brought me here.
I am a Rainbow Warrior. I am a protector of the water. I am an advocate for our children. I am a steward of Terra Mater. I am a light worker. I am a Mother, and Grandmother. I am a voice. I am, I Am, I AM!!

I look forward to sharing glimpses of my life, my stories and my journey, with the hopes that it inspires.

I knew from a very early age that spirit was a huge part of my existence. I remember seeing spirits while sitting in my high chair as a toddler. They would come regularly for tea. Beatrice was one of my first spiritual teachers. She came in spirit.

Moving along through my childhood, I was very connected to nature. Grandmother willow sheltered me in the times I felt very alone, angry, and abused. Introducing me to one of my totems, the ladybug. Such a magical connection to all beings. My place of peace.

The sexual abuse I experienced for years, was a painful yet invaluable teacher metaphysically, spiritually and emotionally. These many experiences gave me tools that help me navigate through life. Survival. Some will get angry reading this, but please hear me when I say, forgiveness is paramount.
At the time I wanted to just die. Cut off all my spiritual gifts. I just wanted to fit in. Wanted to be normal. (Abuse is normal, right?)

In my 20's I was in a fatal car accident. Yes. Fatal. And yet here I AM. Many messages I received that day. So grateful! At the time, when I was walking back from the light, I decided to start walking my talk.

I had my beautiful babies (now in their 20's and 30's), and sadly my marriage did not last. So much abuse on both sides of the scale. So much damage done to our children. All the cycles I vowed to never repeat, were repeated in different ways.
At times being a single Mother left me feeling defeated and like a complete failure.

Determined and actively working on myself, many things were starting to define who I thought I was. These discoveries, and refined aspects, were emerging and teaching me many levels of awareness.

I submerged myself into mediations, workshops, metaphysical courses, and aquired over a dozen healing modalities. Tools that helped me heal, feel better about myself. My spirit guides surrounded me, taught me, helped me face my demons, shift into who I AM.
Many beautiful people have come into my life. My Earth Angels. I am no longer feeling alone, although I never was alone, Creator is always present. Even when we often feel the connections to be lost or broken.

I slowly integrated into healing practices after leaving corporate jobs. I began working from home and creating workshops, working one on one with people sharing the gifts that I have, hoping to make a difference, empowering people.

I was blessed with another daughter, her spirit name "The Bringer of Change". She is truly that and beyond her years. She is wise and an amazing teacher.

It is a bumpy ride at times, often questioning my purpose here. Yet, here I am. Living with the land, working at becoming self sustainable, connecting with Terra Mater, connected to Creator, ungripping from systems that keep us slaves.

Thank you so much for reading. Looking forward to being in touch!

Peace and love to all.


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