Greetings! My name is Alex, sustainably living and farming in the Colombian Andes

Hi all! My name is Alex E.B. Trapp, and I am a Sustainable Agriculture Professional in Líbano, Tolima, Colombia! Let me share some of my story with you:

I started out studying Economics at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, but after 6 semesters of learning what was really going on in the world, I got discouraged. So much war, hunger, need and poverty made me doubt whether those who are running the world really know what they are doing. So I began my travels! Many years later I finished my BS in Sociology, with a double major in Spanish Language and Literature, so I am technically a literato too.

In my travels I met my wife, an environmental journalist and Colombiana, and together we started an environmental non-profit, focused on making a difference in this world through three major focus; environmental education, sustainable agriculture, and applied and appropriate technology.


We bought a traditional coffee farm at 1810 meters above sea level, and have been experimenting with ecological recovery techniques, including building food forests, or as I like to call them - Agroforestry systems.

The exciting thing about agroforestry systems is that they solve almost every local and global problem that we are facing as a species. The diversity of plants heals soils, manages fresh water flows, and prevents erosion from both wind and rain. Increased foliage increases the amount of solar power absorbed and the amount of carbon sequestered. The trees and bushes provide habitat for native birds and animals, and the varying forest products make local economics much more stable for rural farmers. We continue to experiement with new strategies and techniques!


I also participate with some of my long time friends in an independent film company, King's Tower Productions. I'll share more in the coming days but, if you can't wait, check out our work here:

I found steem in my exploration of different cryptos as applied and appropriate technologies. I hope to get to know some of you and continue to share my pictures, techniques and experiences in how to make the world a better place, from the ground up!

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