A re-introduction


I joined a little over a month ago, and I feel a re-introduction is in place.

Originally my intention was to focus on and document my experiences with waszupp crowdfunding. But that initiative has still not come off the ground so there wasn't really that much to post about. Besides that, I don't think anybody read any of my early posts.

I realized the chicken-and-egg problem of steemit: it was not worthwhile to attempt to write quality posts as long as nobody followed me.

So I changed gears. I started contributing to photography contests from my large archive of photos that I took mainly over the last few years. That gave me some exposure and some people started to follow me. While exploring the site I also discovered BeScouted where I started to post my model photography, and d.tube where I posted some videos with my audio recordings.

But that's not all I'd like to contribute to steemit, I'd like to be able to post regularly about topics that interest me, and that hopefully reach an audience of like-minded people here.

So here's a photo of me with the obligatory steemit sign that shows some of my interests:


Central is some of my photography gear; I'll keep posting my photography. I have several cameras and lenses, more than displayed here. For me the tools are not important, and I hardly ever post my camera info and settings. They are meaningless anyway unless the sensor specifications are included and taking into account. When I look at a painting I don't expect to find out either what the brush brand and size was that the painter used. The emotional value of an image is what counts to me.

On the wall are some of my limited edition giclée prints that I print at home. I'll probably write a few posts about my art and print/framing process.


click image to view video

Under the steemit sign is a crystal bowl, which together with the two didgeridoos, drums and large (Solfeggio) tuning tubes represent my sound attunement activities. I hope to get into a rhythm of regularly posting sound recordings. I also sing; spontaneous improvised soul sounds. My voice and didgeridoo playing can be heard on the video next to this paragraph.

My photography gear is placed on a geometric vibrational device that I build, which represents my interest in sacred geometry and numbers.

I'm a physicist by education. Only years later did I recognize that my thesis in quantum physics exposed a circular logic in the main-stream approach. This realization led me to study alternative physics, from the spiritual harmonics-based worldview by Walter Russell to Subquantum Kinetics by Paul LaViolette.

My spiritual journey has been long and gradual. I follow my heart, question everything, including my own beliefs.

I hope to connect with many like-minded people here.


◊Φ◊ My photography, art & audio ◊Φ◊
◊Φ◊ Retreats in Mt Shasta, CA, USA ◊Φ◊

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