Introducing Myself


My name is Rebecca Brents ... and yes, I'm a real live person.


My husband, Peter @catweasel, and I own the metaphysical website, Enchanted Spirit. I write virtually all the content for it. He does the background work that makes it magical, makes it pretty -- and puts it out online. We've done this for over 17 years now -- although following a major calamity about this time last year, we've had to begin again from scratch ... replacing lost content and adding more to it day by day. If it looks a little thin for 17 years of effort, that's the reason why -- but we're getting there, one step ... one essay ... one piece at a time.

We live in an extremely rural part of New Mexico -- where our ISP connection can be occasionally a little iffy. But even that is improving, with the help of a small local company really dedicated to giving good service and making life in the online world happen here for everyone.

I was introduced to the very existence of a few weeks ago by Scott Dunn who writes his own literate and thoughtful blog on life, politics, parenting and more at @digitalfirehose . I have enjoyed his writing a long time on Google+ where we met. I plan to continue that tradition here -- and invite you to do the same. (Do have a look at what he does!)

I write from a very unique perspective. Issues of conscious living, alternative health therapies and nutrition, spiritual thought (not conventional religion!!), metaphysical philosophy -- and some of the occult sciences like astrology, tarot, numerology, etc., find a home in a lot of my work. Honestly, you don't have to be "a believer in this stuff" to gain from what I write, because I don't approach it that way, and I don't beat my readers over the head with it. Still, I realize my writing won't be for everyone -- and that's fine.

I read a lot. I have opinions I'm willing to put forward and discuss. I'm interested in a wide range of everyday issues -- including cooking, politics, sociology, psychology, life skills, health and nutrition, pets and wildlife, the environment, social issues, philosophy, art and entertainment, science. I'm not much into technical stuff -- or home repairs. (I have a husband for that!!) But if you're a person with something to say -- and enough manners to do it well, we'll almost certainly find common ground somewhere.

Meanwhile, like most of you, I plan to write on what interests me ... on things I'm exploring for personal reasons as well as things I already know. Having lived a while, I know quite a bit on quite a few topics. Things may get a little eclectic here -- more so than on our website. That's why you may find something that interests you, even if my posts on the occult disciplines don't. (If you're proud of what you do, introduce yourself. Make recommendations of people you enjoy. I'm looking for people to follow.)

In short, we're looking to contribute "something different" to the Steemit community -- and we're looking for a special audience ... people with curiosity, an open mind, a desire to connect more deeply with life -- and who are willing to walk a while (or at least occasionally) on the witchy and woo-woo side of New Age thought. Who knows? Maybe you've been looking for me ... and maybe we're looking for you.

Stay tuned.

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