Hi! I'm a South African Artist/UX Designer/Graphic Designer/Photographer - I'm a New Steemer -Say Hi

Hey Erbody!

So I heard about Steemit today from a friend. I was interested because I have discovered that I like to write. I struggled for years to find my "voice" as it were, as I thought I had nothing to write about. All of a sudden my mind became clear and started writing.

I have not published anything yet, so this will be my debut into the world of writing. I started writing an article while bored in a meeting at work - I'm a UX designer by profession. The title just popped into my head, while listening to some of the designers talk about their processes and show us really boring presentations. I mean c'mon designers, show me something cool - not boring 'ol Keynote presentations showing us how busy you were by creating a new document and process diagram!!

Anyways, I digress. The title that popped into my head was, "The Psychology of Design". Sounds cool, right?
Yeah, so I used Google Keep on my phone to start writing down my initial thoughts. Although what I wrote was not long, the words just seemed to flow. This is something I have never experienced before. It felt awesome. I'll share my thoughts in a series of articles at a later stage.

I have a few things that I have always been quite passionate about but never really articulated what those were. I think writing about it might help me clarify what those things really are, and what it means to be multi-passionate...if that is even a thing. 🤔

I am looking forward to see how this Steemit thing all works out.


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