COMING TO STEEMIT; Introducing myself to the lovely community, STEEMIT


Hello Great Stemains. My name is Enobong Okon some people call me Gift; this happens to be the English translation of my name Enobong (in Efik; language of the southern part of Nigeria). Obviously you can already deduce I am from Nigeria, specifically the southern part.

About my personality, I am introverted. That avails me of the seclusion I need to harness my inner strength and completely explore my melancholic privileges and endowments. Judging from a distance, you might mistake me for a too reserved person, but you will be mistaken; I am very interesting and a wonderful conversationist. The good conversationist in me always earns me a thumbs up in my social media interactions and associations. I am very friendly and would love to acquaint with you if you are reading this post.


I am a Teacher, by career and I love what I do. Imparting knowledge is one thing I enjoy doing, that also turns out to be one of my inspirations for joining steemit since this is a community of scholarship. I teach ICT. Writing is part of my educational training and I am happy I would be doing a lot of it here on steemit.

What would the world be without music, I usually ask myself. I love music; its part of me. God bless whoever it is that invented music. Lol, that was on a light note though.

Big thanks to my very good friend @mrfelix who didn't let this wonderful innovation pass me by. He lured me in...actually he convinced me to join...but with a passion that I admire; very alluring passion. My appreciation to @prettyrose. I have followed her updates, and the were really inspiring.

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I believe I will enjoy it here on steemit. Please collaborate with me. Remain blessed.

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