First post. Time for an introduction.

Hi everyone, 

My name is Ethan. I first caught wind of Steemit last year, but I've finally decided to get involved and see what it has to offer. 

In the way of introduction, I'm currently a graduate student who enjoys playing the bass guitar, reading, and occasionally working with video editing. Speaking of which, I'll be sure to post some of my projects on here in later posts. I've been married for a little over a year, and my wife and I enjoy hiking, biking, and being critical of bad movies on Netflix. I've decided to check things out here because I recently met someone who is involved in keeping Steemit running, and I took inspiration. 

I'm also a big fan of music, so I might post occasionally about new things I've heard or albums I've picked up, etc.

I'm hoping I'll have something meaningful to add to the community! In the meantime, you can check out where my creative projects live elsewhere online: 

I have a personal website at where I have pages for all of my video projects, as well as some other various posts. I'm on Twitter as @ethandsmith, but I'm not terribly active. My YouTube channel is where I post my projects and videos of my band's songs. Check it out here:

Here's verification! 

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