Hi SteemIt I am @Eyegasm !

14225440_10155234486254418_6626524229451789270_n.jpgMy name is Gilles Bonugli Kali, it’s been now about 20 years I have been passionate about imagery and more precisely, photography.
I am also a Burner (someone that has attended Burning Man) for 5 years in a row, and have recently given exhibitions featuring some of the amazing images that I have been able to collect there.
I also attended Afrika Burn for the first time this year with an awesome group of people culled from all over the world.
I recently got married to an amazing being called Yoshi who is specialized in creating festival oriented clothing, she owns her own little brand Fringe and Epaulette, you can have a look at her work here : http://fandecouture.com/
I am originally from France, but am trying to explore the world as much as I can. I consider Planet Earth as my Home, and when you get a new home, the first thing you want to do is visit it entirely from the basement to the rooftop to the garden. You don’t stop your exploration in the living room.
My life’s direction has always followed this idiom: « Diversity Makes Sense ». For me nature, animals, humans, even the Universe could not exist without Diversity. Diversity of plants, trees, minerals, musical styles, human ethnicities and everything else that constitutes our Existence.
Photography is an exploration for me, a quest to tell a story through imagery that is both beautiful and emotionally stirring.
In light of this, I strive to capture the relationship between visual imagery and the subconscious. I enjoy creating surrealistic digital compositions that are tied to the human psyche and provokes the viewer to question themself and what they see.
This effect is also useful in a commercial setting as the images I create are not only visually striking, but elicit an emotional reaction, which consequently strengthens the impact of the image and subsequently, the brand, in the viewer’s subconscious.

I discovered Steem It not a long time ago, a bit after I got interested in blockchain technology, and how it has the potential power to revolutionize our lives and make a better world for everyone. That sounds utopist, but I like to be utopist sometimes. For those who are not familiar with the blockchain concept, I highly recommend the videos of Primavera de Filippi which were very explicative in a simple way for me when I had no idea about what blockchain was. I also have began investing in about 15 different cryptos since the beginning of the year, not really trading. I am more of a holder.

You can visit my website to see more of my work and travels : http://gbk.photos
Feel free to follow me, contact me for anything you may have to ask or simply to say hi !

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