Introduction from FireAwayMarmot

How do Steemit crew,

My name is Greg McCann and I am the artist behind FireAwayMarmot Productions.
One thing about myself is that I have a sort of creative A.D.D. going on - generally able to hold a conversation without having a squirrel moment, but when it comes to art I'm all over the place - visual art, animation, music, writing both fiction and non, graphic novels... It looks like Steemit might be a good place for the more eclectic variety of art forms that I like to represent.
I've been at this for ten years now on the internet. Here are links to my site and various profiles featuring my work:

There's more but that's enough for now. I'm pretty ridiculous.

So a quick question for the people out there: does any else find themselves compelled to work in a variety of disciplines like myself? And if so, do you find it a struggle to connect with an audience, due to a lack of a recognizable brand developed from simply doing one thing so that people can relate to it?

It's definitely been a long road for me... But I also feel like I'm on the verge of combining all of these different genres and disciplines into a coherent whole... It's the usage of writing and words that I believe is key to developing this eclectic process into a congruent message to the world... In future posts I'll try to explain more of what I mean by this.

For now let me just say thanks for having me here and I look forward to getting to know everybody in the future.

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