Apa Khabar Steemit Community!

Apa khabar? I'm Francesaw. I got invited by @bitrocker2020 to join this community. He said it's a great to place to be. I was curious and so here I am.

Somethings About Me:
I'm born & raised in Kuala Lumpur. Where KL Tower stands, there was a house. It used to be my home and the hill my playground. My dad is a retired government employee so we got to stay at the house which was yuge...like 10 bedrooms yuge. I graduated from St. Mary's, one of the BEST convent girls schools in KL. #IServe

I speak English, Bahasa & some Cantonese (they call me a banana here. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside)

My Socialmedia:
Facebook - awfrances
Linkedin - francesaw
Instagram - frances.aw
Twitter - frances_aw

What Am I:
Mother of 2, business owner, business coach, coffee lover, small time award winning Toastmaster ; )

What Else Am I :
Choir girl since I was 15
I like line dancing, cha cha & rock and roll
The one TV series I will keep for life is Star Trek Voyager
I love to cook breakfast
I am almost a perfectionist

Causes I Care About:
Human Rights

Books I'm Reading:
The 4-Hour Work Week
Transformational Coaching
The Whole-Brained Child
Rich Dad's Guide To Investing

My Favourite Thing To Do:
Sit by the beach all day with an iced cold beer, listening to the waves hitting the shores.

I believe strongly in life-long learning and learning about steemit is currently in my 'to achieve' list.

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