New here!! Writer/therapist/model from the LA area. Pleased to meet you...

Hi all!!!

I am very excited to get started and explore this forum. I've heard nothing but great things and have already lurked around quite a bit!! Thanks to my cross country, mostly electronic pen pal @kommienezuspadt (not gonna lie, had to refer back to spell that several times) here I am! (does an awkward, hand waving jig, you obviously can't see).


So, day to day I work as a treatment analyst and therapist for children. Mostly autism, some borderline personality disorders and sociopathic tendencies. Really I spend very little time on the computer for my job. We like it analog in this least, I do. But, in a weeks time I'll be working on my second graduate degree (I like to do things in two, sarcastic tone implied), and beyond that increasing my free lance writing. I have been writing for yeaaaaaaars. Mostly band and model interviews for small publications and websites; I have worked as the assistant editor for a small custom culture magazine called Rabid in the past. And hopefully, (cross your fingers for me) published scientific research in the near future. So, I will be tied to this machine much more often and definitely need this site as a sort of social and recreational intermission from my mentally arduous and stuffy day to day.


I spent quite some time of my later teen years participating in high fashion and runway modeling (I wish things were digital back then so I could provide you with some visual proof, but alas, my portfolio was burned quite some time ago- not by me). Then, I fell in to a more custom culture arena of modeling. I'd assume because at this point in life I had turned my internal "alternative" taste in to an outward expression by means of tattoos and various hair choices. I will say, I enjoyed this form of posing for pictures exponentially more.




I've been lucky enough to find my dream job that affords me the ability to further pursue my education and love of writing. I spend a lot of my free time reading and learning. I'm hoping to explore and find people with passion and creativity, share everything I love...and hopefully discover new things to love. I'm a multidimensional individual and ultimately, just want to be part of the message that woman who like to wear lipstick can also have important things that they're doing in their lives.

Instagram: frank_thebunny


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