Please call me Fred

Hi! My name is Frederick, from Sweden. Please call me Fred.

I am a teacher. I mainly teach language, Mandarin Chinese, English or Swedish. I also teach Philosophy/Religion.

My language courses are based on the latest neuroscience on efficient learning, and emphasize the importance of whole body motion, muscle memory, neurochemistry and psychology. But that is just a fancy way of saying that the most efficient way to learn is to move around and have fun.

Hopefully I will be able to post some methods you can use to increase your memory and learning.

I love the outdoors, so I spend all my free time either out in the forest, practicing archery, fishing, or other types of bushcraft.

I am also an amateur photographer. Amateur meaning I have no fancy camera equipment, but I just love to share the beauty I see in the world. Being a nature nerd, my photos tend to mostly be nature sceneries 

I used to work in the IT field before I suffered a case of adrenal burnout and had to rethink my priorities. Nowadays I am much more relaxed and don't take life that seriously. Although I still dabble in coding from time to time. 

My website is

Here is my verification. Not looking my best though, I just caught a cold... 🤒

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