Why I quit CNN & Turned down 100+ offers from Television to fight for your right to free speech!

Television is a whore, it only reports what the pimps of television wants to report and nothing else. Television is EvilCorp and I am one of few that categorically has been selective about who I work for.

CNN is just one of many I have turned down during my 15 years working professionally in the industry of film, television and radio. I have worked at the highest level behind the camera and even as a lowlife in front of the camera to fill in where it has been needed. I am here today to tell you what Mass-Media is all about. Read On!

This #steemit post is written to tell your the truth about the propaganda that hits everyone every day!


My name is @fyrstikken - I am here to tell you the truth!

When I was a little innocent and beautiful child, I noticed the television with a man inside informing my mum and dad about what was going on in the world. As a small child I was wondering, how did that man get inside the TV, so when my parents were sleeping, I snook up to check it out, and accidentally pushed the television to the floor and my mother came into the living-room as she heard the noise.

  • What have you done Fyrstikken!?! she said
  • I wanted to know how the man could fit inside this little box! - was my reply. I must have been three years old.

I got my first few television gigs when I was around 12, local television - then when I was in my late teens I wrote pranks and media-stunts for celebrities, so that they would get headlines and tv-time and I made a lot of money doing that, creating scenarios that a celebrity would do to get into a so called "scandal" which would boost their celebrity-status a whole lot and make not only national headlines, but also international headlines.

Evil-Corp is Television & Their Evangelists are the people who believe in the knowledge from Television not even knowing they believe in lies.


But there was something wrong about everything I noticed - and after a while working inside all kinds of studios, getting to know who is who in front and behind the camera, there was this feeling hanging over me, a feeling that is the most true feeling I have ever felt - In television - you do what you are commanded to do, you do not do anything creative, you do not go against the producers, the bosses - the will of the network owners, and I didn't. I remained loyal, until one day I realized what I was part of and my consciousness caught me and told me - enough is enough.


On Television, appearance is everything, so hair and make-up is part of the day-to-day life if you want to be in front of the camera. If you however work behind the camera, in the most lucrative part of the branch that is production and prank-writing, your job - your day-job if I might add - is to come up with ideas to fool people, to lie to people and to delude people from the truth by highlighting stupidity in order to create a world of humans, hypnotized to do what the mass-media tells them to do.


As Television-people, we have access everywhere, what you pay thousands of dollars to attend, we get paid to attend - backstage areas are for the industry-people, not for the "plebs", and we are all working against the plebs when we do what our television bosses or newspaper bosses tell us to report or make a documentary or a movie about.

I could not work with television - I value freedom of speech too much - and I am speaking against the owners of mass media!

Imagine Steemit, with 13 people who get to post, and the rest of you will have to just agree and upvote them to make money!

Television, Radio & The largest Newspapers, Magazines and Cinema are all shows and writings created for the masses. Including Mr. Robot, Star Wars, Star Trek, CNN, MSNBC, DISNEY... VOGUE, PEOPLE.... NY TIMES, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK - YOUR OWN OPINION and the opinions of your friends - they are mostly make-beliefs, not facts - peoples brains are easily corrupted by misinformation, and I used to get paid for it - I just couldn't do it anymore. It is immoral.

How I was noticed & hired by mass media

When I was 19 years old, I did a big prank. I printed 25 brochures which I distributed on a high-school, proclaiming that at 12:00 NOON the grocery store close to the school would give away everything you could carry until 12:05pm - a five minute window to basically "rob the store".

It did not take long until about 600 kids came to the store, and I was standing in front of the door counting down 3, 2, 1 - GO! so you can imagine what happen - at 12:05pm the store was emptied for all the candy, all the cigarettes, and a number of other items while the store staff was lunching in their staff-room.

That is how easy it was to make a whole school believe in a lie - and when the local media found out who was orchestrating it, I was called to work for them - and they offered me a handsome pay to create ideas for stunt-reports and news-pranks which gave me a great income at a young age, and a big foot in the door for larger productions later in life.

fyrstikken on set

Everything Television tells you - is a Big fat lie - mixed with some truth
and the "plebs" evangelize the lies because they believe they are true!

Will Steemit make a change?

Television is extremely powerful, and it has had monopoly of information - or should I say disinformation since the man landed on the moon, and everybody witnessed it - on the television and radio, so will steemit make a difference? I doubt it.

Steemit is a great platform for social media, but until the people of the world, which includes the people of steemit as well realize the lies of the television - steemit aces will just keep pushing the same old political television-correctness they have been educated and grown up with.

If people would shut off the television and start reading the forbidden books - the knowledge that is frown upon by the media and the masses as knowledge that is rubbish - they will not get a step closer to the truth what so ever.

True Truth and True Knowledge is not presented on Television or heard on radio - even written about in newspapers. If you want to know how the world looks like, how the powers of the world really work - you have to be willing to sacrifice a lot of pride which you currently believe is the truth.



Nobody voted for the people on Television to indoctrinate you - but they did it anyway

I want to see you - the reader aware of what television really is - a lie-machine - evil corp - the instigator of the worlds opinions. What is a Television Program? - It is a set of flicks and sound-clips put together in the editing-room to program you - the audience - the watcher - to do what they want you to do. I know - I was one of them!


Let us not fool the children anymore, let us rebel against the evil-corp and give freedom of knowledge a real chance!

I believe in you - Search for the Truth and you will find it! - Thank you for reading!

#fyrstikken #television #truth #knowledge #steemit #revolution

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