It might be time to introduce myself.. so here it goes!

Hello fellow Steemians! My name is George, I'm 25 born and raised in Bulgaria, living in London, music graduate.

I joined Steemit about a week ago and have just been lurking around, even got my mom to join and she already made a few posts (go get them mom!).. so i decided it might be time for me to start too. I thought it won' take that long to write this one but now that i start to think about it i might be stuck in front of my PC for awhile. Here it goes:

So Who is George and what does he do?

Well I used to be a singer and an actor before I arrived in the UK - used to sing in a boy band, was playing in musicals and doing voice over translations for Nikelodeon and Disney Channel but nearing my transition to London i was getting into other things a lot more than music even though it was always there. I started painting miniatures on commissions ( I know, I know I'm a total geek ) and doing it as a full job for about a year.



Then I arrived in the big city that is London and needed a job desperately.. was trying for auditions and all sorts of arts jobs but I was lost in how much there is to it and how many of these job opportunities were a waste of time and money (transport is quite expensive for a jobless Bulgarian). I was lucky enough that i found a job as a poker dealer in a private poker club where a friend of mine worked. 2 years later I am still working in the same place and am quite happy with the job just have a bit higher position. I've always been into sports ever since I was a kid and I started doing street fitness and indoor fitness a few years ago, so i decided if i'm changing careers I outta think of something I like and is profitable so I started a course for a PT. I'm half way there lvl 2 Fitness instructor with some exams coming up in 2 months time so wish me luck! :)
Lately i've been quite interested into the crypto world and am reading and learning quite a lot all the time. I'm still quite new to it.. but hey - that's how I found about Steemit and I'm glad i can keep getting informed about incoming news in here.
In my spare time (very little left of it.. bloody adulthood) i like to play video games - that was a pretty big part of my childhood, and keep painting my minis.


I have so many ideas for different blogs I'd like to share on Steemit and some of them would include Music (most likely me singing covers), I would like to do a blog for painting (yes I still do it.. just for fun but better :P ), Meal preps for people into fitness and fitness talk, helping people out starting or into gymming already. I am also travelling to Thailand next week so that will probably my first real blog and hopefully i would be able to capture all the beauty of that lovely place!

Thanks to everyone that took the time to read all my blabber I hope to see you around!

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