Hello Again - Better Late Than Never - a RE introduction VERIFICATION

Ok, I surrender!  A horrible picture of myself holding a piece of paper.  I have to say, I don't get it.  I hate taking pictures of myself.  But, several of you have insisted, so... you win, here it is, verification for @gringalicious

I am a 20 year old food blogger living in Chile with my crazy family.  You can read more about that at my first attempt of introducing myself here: Gringalicious Intro .  I have a passion for cooking and a passion for photography.  Yeah, I know, you can't tell by the photo above, but I digress.  You can see examples of my passion on my page @gringalicious. I don't like labels necessarily, but let's just say I don't like the state and those conditioned by the state telling me what to do.  Nor do I like telling others how they should liver their lives.  I will post more on those topics at a later date.

The idea of #Steemit thoroughly intrigues me.  I look forward to being part of the community!

And since I am here talking about myself, I was featured in a magazine recently.  Not trying to promote the magazine necessarily, just trying to add validity to my verification.  And, I have to admit, I just a little proud of myself.

Later this week, I'll be posting a recipe with a #steemitlogo incorporated in it.  So, keep an eye out for it.

I do hope this helps satisfy the request that many of you have made.  If I need to do something different, please let me know.  I actually like corrective criticism so bring it on.

Until my next post, hasta luego mis amigos


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