Hello Steemit World, Let Us Introduce Our Mission, One Family At a Time

Ah, Malaysia...

The land of "milk and honey" in a rainbow multi-cultural world. We like to think it that way because we have been so blessed with 60 years of independence and 48 years of peace and harmony among races and culture.

We also like to think that way because of such diversity we are so blessed with all sorts of varieties of food, so much so that Malaysians tend to come to a point where we have that in our mind,

"ah, if it is not nice, just leave it, you do not need to finish it"

Yes, I can personally attest that when you pass by a wet market or even behind a restaurant, you get to see all sorts of wastage in the garbage bin.

Not only then, even my housemate tend to waste food when she ta pao home and was unable to finish it. Her only excuse was, "the hawker cooked too much, and I couldn't order anything smaller packed."

Yes. She is not the only person, I personally have seen so many other ladies (especially - sorry I do not want to bash you but it has been quite a fact in Malaysia) who tend to waste food just because the price is no difference when you ordered the rice less, and in the end, you can't finish it and just throw it in the bin.

That's pure wastage. From a now spoiled nation.

My father often time told me when I was young, "don't waste your food, there are plenty of starving kids in Africa and India"

And I used to ignorantly answered, "let's send the remains to Africa then."

Oh how arrogant and spoiled I was, looking back at the youth of my days.

However, in reality, we do not need to look at poverty from a distance, because it is now struck closer to home.

There are at least 3.8% (registered number) of the local families in this country are earning below standard wage and yet, Malaysia has 15,000 tons of food wasted daily; and that was recorded 4 years back. We could have even more family who are suffering despite of the BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat Satu Malaysia) social help from the government.

Therefore, at Glad Tidings Assembly of God Daily Bread Food bank, we try our very best to bless one family at a time.

We have a small group of people who will at least once a month avail themselves to help pack food for needy families, with basic items such as Rice, Cooking Oil, Sugar, Flour, Noodles, Biscuits, Milk Powder, Canned foods, condensed milk, beverages, instant noodles and various other foods. We also channel surplus food to reach those who are in need, especially to charitable homes, rehabilitation centers, children feeding programs and the elderly.

As it is recorded in Isaiah 58:10

Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.

Sometimes, you never know, the smallest kindness you do for others could just be the only light shining in their darkening lives.

At this point of time, the Daily Bread Food Bank is spearheaded by Angie Ng, and if you, especially a Malaysian, would like to help by contributing some or even introducing a company that could help us out, please feel free to contact – angie@gladtidings.my

Above is a video of our introduction, created back in 2013

So we hope that from time to time, you will be delighted to read our progress as we continue to update what we have been doing here, in order to start earning some Steem Power and Steem Backed Dollars, in hope that these crypto currencies would do some good for the families in trouble.

Daily Bread Food Bank Volunteer

  • Jessicca

disclosure: Daily Bread Food Bank one of the non-profit channel under the LCS (Life Commuity Service) ministry.

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