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Hello, Steemit!

Hello, my name is Lana. 

I work part time as a secretary/bookkeeper for a construction company. In my spare time when I'm not hanging out with friends or family I enjoy going to the gym to improve on my fitness, waste time on the interwebs and sites like Tumblr, watch movies or tv shows, write, attempt to cook or bake, eat, and sleep. Okay, the last two are a given. Who doesn't love food and sleep? They must be insane or something.

The three major aspects of my life, and this blog, are as follows:

FAITH - I have  a burning passion for God. Although I am far from the perfect Christian, I strive to improve my relationship with my Lord every day. Being Christian is more than just a religion for me. And it is something that consumes a huge chunk of my life.

HEALTH - This is another focal point of my life. Right now I put most of my effort towards improving my health and fitness. What once started as just a desire to lose weight has manifested in something much more than that. Now it's a goal to be the healthiest me that I can be, both physically and mentally.

LIFE - There's more to my life than just faith and health. Every day I struggle to overcome obstacles in my daily life. Whether it is battling the demons in my own mind, overcoming insecurities, fighting through obstacles that are thrown at me such as challenges with school, work, family, or friends. Once in a while you may even catch me asking for advice about those special someones.   Whatever it is, these things also shape me into the individual I am.

Personality-wise, I think I'm a pretty easy going person. I get along well with mostly everyone. If you're not a complete asshole then there's no reason we shouldn't get along. I wouldn't call myself shy, but I oftentimes come off that way to people who don't know me well. My personality isn't BAM IN YOUR FACE. I'm definitely more reserved and rarely obnoxious. I'm an introvert so I'm not the most outgoing person you will meet and I rarely act on impulse on social situations. I've always wished I could be more outgoing because I find myself a bit boring, but I'm slowly starting to accept the fact that I will never be that way. I guess that's okay. I do however feed off of other's aura. If you're outgoing, I'll be more outgoing. If you're acting awkward, I'll probably feel awkward and stay quiet. That's just the way I am.

I'm not one for small talk. I suck at it. But get me into a deeper topic, or one I'm passionate about, and you won't get me to stop talking for days. If you know me well, you'll understand I am a very sarcastic person. I'm easily amused and will take any opportunity to poke fun at anything regardless of how serious the subject. This type of banter is completely harmless though. Some people can handle it, some people get offended by it. That's life.

I kind of suck at writing about myself, so I'll finish this off with a random questionnaire I stole off Tumblr. If there's anything else you'd like to know about me feel free to ask. I don't bite.

  • Birthday: September 29
  • Siblings: Older brother
  • Eye color: Green
  • Shoe size: Varies between 6.5-7
  • Height: 5’2
  • Righty or lefty: Lefty
  • Can you make a dollar in change right now: Yes, there's a bajillion pennies lying around my room somewhere.
  • Best place for a date? Amusement park!
  • Where is your fav place to shop: TJ Maxx and Marshalls hands down.
  • Favorite kind of plant: Flowers are gorgeous.
  • Fave Color: Blueeee. Especially turquoise, light blue, sapphire, etc.
  • Fave Number: 22
  • Fave Boys Name: Not sure.
  • Fave Girls Name: At the moment it’s Evangeline.
  • Fave Sport: To play: volleyball. To watch: soccer, football
  • Fave Month: September Movies: Too many.
  • Juice: OJ (strawberry OJ and mango OJ are goood)
  • Finger: I don’t care…
  • Breakfast food: Belgian waffles with tons of fruit, syrup, sprinkle of powder
  • Favorite cartoon character: Don’t really have one. I know of a lot of qt ones.
  • Given anyone a bath: Does my cat count?
  • Smoked: Tried it. I don’t smoke though. Gross.
  • Made yourself throw-up: I don’t think so. Throwing up is the worst for me. I’m fearful of getting the stomach virus aha. I would never induce throwing up on myself.
  • Gone skinny dipping: Yeah
  • Eaten a dog: No
  • Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Who hasn’t? LOL
  • Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Sure
  • Broken a bone?: Nope
  • Played truth or dare: Who hasn’t.. seriously.
  • Been in a physical fight: Possibly? It could have been for jokes though.
  • Been in a police car: Yes
  • Been on a plane: Yeah
  • Come close to dying: So many times.
  • Been in a sauna: Yeah
  • Been in a hot tub: Yeah
  • Cried when someone died: Yeah
  • Cried in school: Yeah
  • Fell off your chair: LOL yeah
  • Wait for someone’s phone call all night: Yup. And was extremely disappointed when I woke up the following morning and didn’t get a call/text to my phone. Asshole.
  • Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: My history is saved automatically.
  • Saved e-mails: A few.
  • Fallen for one of your best friends: Yeah
  • Made out with JUST a friend?: Yeah


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