Deep Breath...Here We Go!
Figured I'd do this the traditional way and start by introducing HI! We are extreme noobs when it comes to blogging and cryptocurrency, but were turned on to SteemIt by (@xtrodinarypilot “@xtrodinarypilot”) and (@xtdnrymompreneur “@xtdnrymompreneur”) . The whole concept struck a chord with us that didn't go away, and could not be ignored.
So you're probably wondering why the plural personal pronouns. Well my hubby and I choose to do things together. It's kinda a lifestyle thing...we call it marriage. HaHA, but all joking aside, we have joint social media pages, we are co-owners of our company, thus we work together, we co-parent, finish each others stories and jokes, and even sleep in the same bed...most nights :) So, it just made logical sense that we'd share our SteemIt, so expect posts from both of us. It should be fun guessing who wrote what.
Sharing Is Caring
Decided to continue this post by listing what type of posts you should expect from us....
Internet Anonymity and Privacy
We're private people, and choose to remain that way. Don't expect pictures of us or our children without our faces obscured. Call us paranoid, and maybe we are, but surely we're not the only weirdos out there who don't want their personal identity and lives blasted across the internet for the rest of eternity. So, expect posts supporting the choice to internet privacy and perhaps some how-to's on the subject.
Who You Might Be Starting To Think We Are
Home Remodeling Before & Afters and DIY Tips
This is the company we own :)
Natural Childbirth and Parenting
We're currently expecting our 3rd bundle of joy Valentines 2018. We have 2 boys ages 8 and 2.5 that we both born completely au naturale. More stories on that to come....
So if you haven't caught the drift yet...we're not normal, and don't do anything conventionally.
Food and Its Connection to Health
The simplest health advice we can give anyone...ONLY EAT REAL FOOD...enough said.
Or We Might Be Starting To Sound Like This
I actually never thought I would have children....because I love animals too much.
My husband never thought he would have children....because he loves travel too much.
Book Reviews
We are traditional geeks. And by “traditional”, I mean pre-technology.
Classic Movie Reviews
Here's my shout out to Turner Classic Movies. This is what we do with our down-time.
Well, thanks for reading and we hope to have intrigued you enough to stick around for what's next!