Who is @hannahlicious? Let Me introduce Myself :)

Hello!.... It's Me.....

1. I am new to the Cryptocurrency gig… but already doubled my money

When I say doubled my money, don’t get too excited for me – I went in with $2000 AUD which I originally used to buy Pivx, then sold and now own Ethereum, and I managed to get up to $4000 AUD – at which point I cashed my original $2000 back out into my bank account. Some more experienced Cryptocurrency users (is there a better name to describe that?!) may be cringing at the fact that I withdrew so soon, but I just wanted to have my original money back so now I can just play around with the profit. My husband @rlamasb is the one who got me into Cryptocurrency, he is an expert, and I am the complete opposite – over here in the corner wanting to buy Dogecoin just because I love dogs and I think the icon is cute!

On that note, I am here because I want to start taking Cryptocurrency more seriously. I want to make the best possible choices to be able to get the most out of it, so I am planning to use Steemit to gain more knowledge to do that, and then hopefully share some things that I learn in the process.

2. I work for a credit card company, in customer service/sales (is there even a difference anymore?).

Probably not one of the most enviable jobs in the world. If you enjoy constantly navigating through a sea of anger and disappointment, stroking customers’ egos and having a good bitch session with your colleagues, then this would be a great job for you. Having said that, there are some really nice conversations to be had – and I do enjoy helping people to get the best possible value from their financial product. If you want to get more from your financial product, check out my other post about credit card hacks that can save you money

One massive perk for me is that I work from home – so I can (quite literally, If I ever wanted) roll from my bed to my desk. It’s pretty advantageous that I can start the day looking dishevelled, have a shower on my lunch break, put some make up on during my last break, and finish the day looking relatively human. I also have one super cute furry work colleague, who sometimes comes to fall asleep in my lap during the day.

3. I am going through some good changes, I think this might be part of growing up…

When I say growing up, I’m already an adult…. I’m 27, but I think I’m getting to that stage when you’re moving from your 20s into your 30s and you kind of feel like you should be taking life a little more seriously. I’m focusing on all kinds of new things at the moment that I didn’t really pay too much attention to earlier, like quitting smoking, trying to save money, going to the gym, eating healthier, cooking more often, trying to be a better wife, being happier and generally being more responsible.

I am excited to be here, to learn more about steemit and crytocurrency and hopefully read some blogs/share some posts about things that interest me like relationships, cooking, travel, illustration, languages, sales etc.

If you guys have any advice for me as a new user, I'd love to hear it!

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