5 incredible facts about @happychaga !

Goooooood evening steemit community! This introduction will give you an idea of WHO and WHAT is behind @happychaga.

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1. We are a family, so @happychaga is teamwork.

We will blog as our future company Happy Chaga and also as individual family members.


2. Our blog will let you follow the process of becoming a startup entrepreneur

Happy Chaga will in the future sell our own, handmade pure natural products, such as lingonberrypowder. We are right now in the wonderful process of learning, experimenting and designing, so we thought maybe you also would like to see what’s going on in this crazy house.

3. You will hopefully get inspired to explore and examine!

We wish to inspire others for a healthier lifestyle and encourage to seek the truth. We will share some recipes for EASY, EFFECTIVE AND HEALTHY COOKING AND BAKING.


4. What is that little country called Finland?

Yeah. You can’t dismiss our culture and traditions if you stay tuned, because you will unwillingly and unconsciously be spammed with Finland in our blog posts. We love Finland, you should too!

5.Our blog posts will bring you positive vibes

Yes darlings! This is a promise and if we fail in this, we invite you to our sauna and you get to bash our backs with birch branchlets. Because that’s a normal tradition here in the coolest (it’s freezing today) country called Finland (read funland).


We hope you liked our introduction. If you start following us, we promise to FILL YOUR FEED with beautiful pictures, healthy recipes, fun facts and other VALUABLE CONTENT.

P.S. Our sauna is actually under renovation so don’t come yet to visit us!

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