LifeJournaling #1 - First Day

This is my first day here. I was stumbling looking for interesting information about the platform. My first thought was to start writing something but a fear of being perfect stoped me. I was afraid of being judged by people because I am not a professional writer. Also my native language is not English and a thought in my head was whispering me that I have to become better on it before starting to write something. So I decided to copy a quote and post it. I was surprised when I saw people commenting my quote and wishing me luck on this platform. That was the moment when I've decided to start writing regardless of my fears.
So here I am, writing my first post without any concern because I know there are people who will follow me and appreciate me with all my mistakes.

Lesson learned: don't listen to your thoughts. Do what you want without any fear. There will be always people who will appreciate you.

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