Hi, I'm Eileen!

Hi guys!

My name is Eileen and I live in a small college town in a Los Angeles suburb. I'm a designer and have a small collection of vintage inspired dresses. I work from my home studio most of the time, and it does get a bit quiet around here. Luckily, I have my best friend and most faithful companion, a little morkie named Panda, to keep me company. He's a little defective with two bad knees and an autoimmune disorder, but we love him so much!

Photo Feb 18, 2 27 56 PM.jpg
He's really cute, right?!

My company is super small, turning 2 this year, and it really is a one woman shop...from design to daily operations to marketing strategies. It's a challenge, and I'm always learning new things in this role. Lately, I've been trying to spruce up my photography skills to improve content creation but you know the saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? Well, turns out, you can but it's just really freaking hard.



In my off time, I like to bake, do yoga and pretty much show off my outfits on Instagram. I know, it's basic but it works for me. I used to write, but now I just play Hearthstone. Maybe I'll do more writing and less battle.net now that I'm here! Super looking looking forward to being a part of this community.

PS. not sure what the etiquette is, but all photos shown are taken by me!

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