Hello I'm Hermann and i am going too introduce myself


Hello to all here at @steemit.
My name is Mboringong Hermann but most people just call me Hermann.
I am a Cameroonian and reside in the North Western region of the country in the city of Bamenda.
I am the 6th child out of a family of 6 children. I am a nursing student in my 3rd year of study at National Polytechnic Bamenda.
My passions include youth advocacy, youth leadership, entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, health advocacy, traveling/tourism, missionary and evangelical works, singing/songwriting, and computer related fields of study.
Getting to know different people everyday is something I cherish too and I really enjoy it when I can connect with different people from all over the world with different cultures and ways of life; creating a forum where I get to learn and share a lot too.

I am someone who is moved and driven by the zeal to help others so as to bring change in my community and environment. I believe so much in change and I believe that if only we could all try to make the difference beginning with you as an individual then change is not an impossibility.


Together with some few friends we founded GLOW; a community that is out to extend a hand to the less previledged, those on the streets, the hospitals, orphans, the needy etc. Nothing gives me greater joy as much as when I see someone happy, smile and fills loved because of something I did for them. That is what keeps me going, fighting and work so hard to make it in life so as to better fulfill my craving desires of doing more for my community, country and the World as a whole. I will be talking more on this and our activities as time unfolds here on the @steemit platform.

I am quite open to ideas and ways through which I can achieve my goals in life and that is why I love to connect with different people, collecting different ideas and opinions that can help me. I value everyone's opinion and I believe " sometimes sense can be made out of everything."
Together we can make change on our world today.

So that is me in a nutshell and hope it will be a great experience here at @steemit. I am quite excited to be here and thanks to @steemit for the add!

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