100 Days Left: I'm here to save for my burial expenses


A few days ago I was diagnosed with a stage 3 brain cancer. My doctors told me, I have at least three months left to live.

I'm a 19-year old guy who has lots of dreams. I wanna travel within my country, the Philippines. I want to buy my dream house, I want to marry the girl of my dreams, I want to help my parents live a debt-free life, and so much more.

But I guess I can no longer accomplish all my goals. I only have 100 days left, so all I can do is save for my burial expenses. In this way, I won't be another burden when I'm gone.

My parents wanted me to undergo chemotheraphy. But I don't want to add up to their debts. So I'm choosing not to, since I'm in the legal age to decide for my own.

Now that I know my days are numbered, I just wanted to spend the rest of my life helping my family in any way I can.

To be honest, I envy old people whose hair turned gray due to old age. I wish I can experience that too.

I'm too young to leave this world, but I'm blessed enough to have amazing family and friends by my side.

I hope I can find a family here in the Steemit community before I'm forgotten. I'll document the rest of my days here hoping that one day, my mom and dad will see this and say "at least he's happy."

Hey! You there! I want you to live your life to the fullest. Because when life gives you a deadline, you'll realize how important every second is. Use your time wisely!


Days left: 100 (hopefully)

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