My Steem Genesis

In the beginning. . . There was a man who was wasting his time doing stuffs, stuffs that doesn't make any beautiful sense, focusing on things that separates him socially from the others. Despite of the presence of social media, he burns the clock through sharing memes, laughing at memes and scrolling for more memes.

(It's from a famous meme, which states "When You're single so the only entertainment you have are memes." But, the guy on the photo is not him and he's currently in a relationship right now and his girlfriend is quite busy with her studies. So, if she can't entertain him for the meantime, he turn on memes.)

(Laughs behind the darkness) 😈

Also, when he had too memes, he goes primitive and becomes a caveman, he explores only his cave, thinks what to do with his cave and asks why does he even have a cave. The man should've made a life for himself but he was so blank trying to look for answers. He wasn't tired, he was uninspired.

Suddenly, after few months of wasting time doing shitty things, living in a cave, laughing at memes, drifted from many suns and moons that passes by the sky. The man's phone shimmered, and shoots a beam of light, blinding his eyes.

As the flash of light goes dim, he sees an angel, a friend, popped out from the heavens of Mark Zuckerberg's social media platform, Facebook!

The angel's name was @kyanzieuno πŸ˜‡πŸ‘ΌπŸ™†

Then the angel talked to the man and said:


(For those who doesn't speak filipino, I'm sure you already got some of the words stated in english)

The man got curious and so he asked. . . And asked. . . And asked. . . Everything about STEEMIT.

So the angel explained and gave the man links to check out what was going on at STEEMIT. Then the man took the chance and took a look on the platform and he was outrageous! He was amazed! Just by posting stuffs, you'll get paid! Who would have thought of that?! It was a great opportunity.

And it was that moment, the man knew that he will not be wasting time on memes no more. 😳

So he bumped into the systems sign up protocal and waited patiently for a week until. . . Voila! He got his own first freaking STEEMIT account! This guy was so hyped he almost lost his phone which he left inside his car. But, he managed to find it tho.

So he started to check out his account and all from those sleepless nights waiting for that glowing email from STEEMIT, it all came to this!

His first post! πŸ˜±πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

And the man who I was talking about earlier is me! πŸ˜‚πŸ€—πŸ‘‹


Hello beautiful creatures of STEEMIT, my name is Ian Ceazar Manansala (@ianceaz), 26 years old and a proud filipino from the Philippines!

I'm a self taught artist who often do mural paintings, such as these:

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I also do permanent tattoos and here are some of my works:


It wasn't just an overnight jam making these pieces I took a lot of years on learning how to do these things, I even sacrificed my own profession just to keep up with what I love, my first love which is ART.

Some of you may ask if what was my past profession, I was a registered nurse, but I couldn't consider myself being one, simply because I couldn't really see my self that way.

I may also confess that I'm suffering from depression. Maybe because I didn't took the right road and got me scrambled on life's directions. But here I am, hoping that I could still catch up and wishing STEEMIT would bring me to that success I really dreamed of.

That my ART would be known to the world

Furthermore, I look forward on spending more time on STEEMIT and meet other artists like myself and hopefully inspire those who are still afraid of coming out of their comfort zones instead take the hit despite of not meeting the societies standards and just become you really wanted to be.

Find what you love and you won't have to work anymore.

Before closing my speech, I would also like to share some of my illustrations and hobbies here at STEEMIT

My Illustrations:


As for my hobbies, here they are πŸ€—



Gundams are just one of my childhood fascinations and I just couldn't resist clinging to it even though I'm already an adult.

Well, I guess that'll be me for now. I really do look forward on more about STEEMIT and I'm sure with your help it would just be (hopefully) a walk in a park!



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